Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, July 31, 2009



*Jump jump*
Okay.. Back to work ><

it's not goodbye

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out coz we're on a different track =[

And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now coz you don't have another day

Coz we're moving on and we can't slow down

And these memories are playing like a film without sound

And I get so excited and we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be friends forever

So if we get the big jobs and we make the big money
When we look back now, will our jokes still be funny

We will still remember everything we learned in school

Still be trying break every single rule

Will little Brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man

Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
I keep on thinking it's our time to fly

As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Will we survive it out there??
Will we make it somehow??
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men

Will the past be a shadow that will follow us'round
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
I keep on thinking it's our time to fly

Graduation - Vitamin C


Was listening to this song..
Reminisced about the good old times..
Miss high school badly.....
Miss those crazy days..
Miss those times where we skipped class and those lame shit activities..
[Yea.. Even though we do skip lectures now but it was not as fun as last time XD]
Miss those toilet trips we made every morning before assembly..
Miss those hang out moments..
Miss those gossip moments..
Miss those fun we had in class..
Miss those silly things we did and said..
Miss those times where we did not do our homework..
[Except for Maths coz we respect Mr Khairol and also Phy coz we had to]
[We have to do every single homework in coll coz everything has marks]
Miss sitting beside Mii..
Miss those "illegal" stuff we did when teacher was crapping in front..
Miss everything!!
Miss everyone!!
Miss my Mii!!!
Miss my Sze!!
Miss my Yean!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Coz it's us...~~

I hate wearing formal ><
I'd rather do 50x push ups..
Heels kill!!

Uphill battle
The road seemed so far =*[

Result ==

..::LAST Saturday::..
Went out with Mr. Pig XD
To TS & Pavi to watch Transformers..

[Yea.. Outdated but.. Yea]
Megan Fox.. HOT!!
Who the hell cares if she's a dude??!! X]
Planned to watch it at TS but there were so manyfreakingbloody homos..
So, walked to Pavi..
Same.. But not thaat many..

Introducing the latest.....
OOOPS!! I mean............. XP
Not bad 'wad'.. No one has it but you..

I look sad ==

Dear came to my house..
Legally ><
To visit me the sicko == LOL


CHA BO take 2!!!!! XD

Who's da boss??

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

you piss me off

I really can't stand your way of doing things!!

I thought I'm already the worst, YOU........ 100000x WORSE!!!
I know you came from * and you weren't able to bring so many stuff such as 'it' but as a matter of fact, you could -__-
Before this, you didn't have 'it'..
I lend mine to you..
It's okay if you use or borrow my stuff..

BUT!! PLEASE!! For heaven's SAKE!!

[Just don't understand why do you still have to use mine since your already have it...]

I really hate to see my stuff lying everywhere..

I'm not like you okay!!

'It' belongs IN the drawer.. Not ON the table..
I don't bloody care if you are in a hurry, lazy or whatever not..
Seriously, GOODNESS!!
You're such an untidy person..

Your stuff are everywhere!!
If I wasn't here.. HOLY!! I can't imagine the horror..
You can just let those dust and dirt pile up to an inch..
You enjoy yourself outside, having fun with your friends, coming back late every night while I'm the one doing all the chores..
HELLO!!!!!! You're part of it also!!
You're not staying here for only a day or two..
You'll be staying here for A YEAR..

I don't think * will read my blog..
If you ever read this post, I'm sorry..
I think it's really obvious that I'm talking about you..
You're a good friend.. But a bad *
And this is my space.. So I don't really care about anyone's feeling..

I'm just externalizing my problem.. A technique of counseling..
It's better than keeping it inside and end up firing it at you!!

I'll just crap whatever I want..

In fact, I hope you read this..
So that I don't have to tell you face to face what the prob really is..



Thursday, July 9, 2009

Would they be angry if I thought of joining you~~





This is how my fuckin' eye looks every morning ><
Like some kind of ghost in a horror movie or probably scarier -_-

Almost everyone in class knows I have some kind of eye disease =[
Sad case........
Why must it go red and itch and swell??!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did the Mr. Lizard cause this to happen??!! O.o


Am having flu, sore throat, headache all the time, nausea..
H1N1!!!!!! ><


College.. Hmm..
These are mua classmates.. Lol..
[Pics taken by Vicky]

The first thing that caught my eyes were Hec's earring.. Lol

Not couple.. LOL XD
Yong Jia Uncle and Tyan
Second time.. Tyan..... Don't smack me XD

"D" face.. Lol
While they discussed about Psychology,
I was sleeping 'syok syok'..
Then when I got up..
Ms. Vicky snapped this shot -__-

Ha!! Payback.. Everyone dare not look...
The peeps
[Hooi Mun, Vicky, Joel (camwhore freak =P), Yong Jia and Tyan]



Gloomy Sunday - The Hungarian Suicide Song

Sunday is gloomy
My hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows
I live with are numberless
Little white flowers
Will never awaken you
Not where the black coach
Of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought
Of ever returning you
Would they be angry
If I thought of joining you

Gloomy Sunday

Sunday is gloomy
With shadows I spend it all
My heart and I have decided
To end it all
Soon there'll be flowers and prayers
That are said I know
But let them not weep
Let them know
That I'm glad to go
Death is no dream
For in death I'm caressing you
With the last breath of my soul
I'll be blessing you
Gloomy Sunday

I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep
In the deep of my heart dear
Darling I hope
That my dream never haunted you
My heart is telling you
How much I wanted you
Gloomy Sunday

This song was composed by Hungarian pianist and composer Reszo Serres in 1933..
to a Hungarian poem written by Laszlo Javor..
[Original Hungarian title of both song and poem is "Szomorú vasárnap"]
The singer mourns the death of a lover and contemplates suicide..
It was sung by many singers but I think Bille Holiday's version is the best..
Inspired hundreds of suicides..
[I'm not going to suicide]

"Gloomy Sunday" was dubbed the "Hungarian suicide song" in the United States..
Seress did commit suicide in 1968..
And the song was banned from radio..
Dare not upload the video here..
I might get "sued"..

Don't know why..
I kind of like this song..

However, after listening to so many LP's songs and so many other metal and rock songs..
This song.... Not much feeling..
I mean it won't make me feel like commting suicide..
Just like to listen it..

Monday, July 6, 2009


You really love to test my patience......
One minute, it's fast..
Then back to usual...
Slow like one SHIT..


I don't believe in the existence of God...
but if GOD really EXISTED, he/she must have hated me A LOT.....
Everything I do, there must be A MILLION obstacles that I have to go through.........
Thank you God for treating me like this........

As for P1 W1Max...
2 words..
At first, some twit ass said W1Max is not usable with MacBook..
Then another dude from Apple said it can be used...
So we subscribed W1Max.....
Can't use........
Coz some freak ass technician needs to configure something in my Mac first...
Have called many times to many EFFING staff working in W1Max and they said they will get an EFFING technician to call me..
But for four days already, no bloody freak wants to call....
Their service sucks to the max...........

Night falls.........
..... Desolation...
Sad songs......
That's Life.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


My recent posts are all about FOOD
Nevermind.. Who cares??!!

IT Lectures nearly killed me.....
The lecturer.. FUI...
He's a robot...... Yea....
It was SO tedious..
And I was SO hungry..
I could smell all kinds of food [Bread, noodle, Chocolate] WTF
After class......
Headed to Jusco with Tyan!! XD
Canteen's food sucks.. No choice.. Haha..
Wanted to take the TARC bus but it took ages to come..
So we got up to the Metro bus.. Paid 1 buck...
THEN -.-
The TARC bus to Wangsa came 'choo choo-ing' in front of us......

Wanted to have McD but there were SO many homos..
Had Shakeys..

Value Meal for 2 person 25+
[2 drinks + 2 Mushroom soup + 1 small Pizza + Bread Stick]
So damn expensive..

To save money..
Tyan and I had to do our own mix and match in order to pay lesser XD

Value for 1 person 11+
[1 drink + 1 Mushroom Soup + 1 small Pizza]
Extra order 1 drink and Mashed Potato = 18 bucks..
Cheaper X]
The Mushroom Soup ain't nice at all.. One was ENOUGH.. Lol..

WOW.. That's A LOT......

YT so cute.. Lol..
Tyan... Don't smack me yea...


..:: SATURDAY::..
Went to Mid Valley with mom..
Thought of watching Transformers but the STUPID GSC won't let me book.....
So we just walked around and shopped..
Bought some formal wear.. 4 pieces for 600+ ><
Then.. Headed over to Gardens for FOOOOD!!! XD

What a "view"

Mine X]


Great appetizer [Not the Sushi} lol

Zaru Soba [mmm]

Pouring the soup

Soup with lemon.. Hmmmmmm

Chawanmushi!! Yum!!

Spotted your name all over the books!!!! LOL

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