Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, October 9, 2009


Have I gone cuckoo? Why did I join that club? What has gotten into me? Omg! There's no turning back. Even if there is way, I don't know how?! =O
Fat people like me don't *. Imagine a pig *. No way! I'll be the laughing stock. Like seriously. People went *speechless* when I said I decided to join *.
Bad sign. It must be like "WTF! You join *!"
If it isn't for that 2 god damn credit hours, I wouldn't join ANYTHING!
Maybe I should have joined * instead. Omg.
She's going to kill me if she reads this. *If you know who you are* ><
Chill. We'll go through it somehow? O.o? Hmmmm.

Sometimes Most of the time I feel like I always make the wrong decision, in any aspect. I always pick the wrong thing! Wrong choice, wrong stuff! Especially while shopping. It's like something else possessed me and lead me to buy stuff that I tend to regret later on. Why?! Damn stupid.
Shopping is a DANGEROUS activity for the poor, like me!
Therefore, I've decided to restrict myself from buying stuff. It's not like I can find the size of the clothes that I adore. Never going to shop for clothes. At least not-so-perfect-figure people can pamper themselves with pretty shoes. I can't! =[ No clothes, no shoes! What a great life?!

I didn't really shop for months until yesterday! Woohoo! That's a great accomplishment!
Hmm. I've never been a shopoholic anyway. But this means I have been wearing the same outfits for months. Years! Disastrous! Nahhh. I don't really care about fashion. Never my passion. I don't have the will and CASH to keep myself updated with the latest trends. Plus, there's no way I can fit into the latest & coolest garment, right? Agreed.
It's always those comfy jeans and tee. Shorts sometimes. Always casual.
What a passé, ay?!
No. Conventional I would say.

Anyway, I just bought a pair of flatties. No biggie. I had to coz my other two pair of sandals have opened their mouth! HORRIBLE!
See. How poor I am! =[ Poverty-stricken. Okay not that serious.
But still, I'm poor. =[

Anyway, I need comfy flatties due to my oh-so-pathetic big feet!
Need to seek therapy. -,- For more sensible and virtuous decision making skills. Gosh! Pathetic much. Counseling student asking for professional help.
Erm, we're humans too, right?

*cough cough*
Gone too far. Back to main topic.
Well, as for this case, I hope I've made the right choice.
I don't want to make a fool out of myself.

Yada yada.
Today, stayed at home once again.
It's exasperatingly tedious and monotonous you know!
I mean like DAMN! My life pattern is like ----------------------------
while others are like ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

First week of Sem 2 is like. It's like.
HELL! Excruciating!
✖ Classes canceled on the first day! As expected.
✖ Blur lecturer.
✖ Lecturer who can't get her mouth to shut.
✖ Self-declared holiday. =X *Okay not so hell but hell*
Don't get it? Never mind.

I'm supposed to switch back to the study mode. But why is everyone still on holiday mode? That includes me. Even though I don't fancy holidays. Unless I have interesting stuff to do.

What else?
O yea! Damn SSH! Always altering the timetable!
HELL-o! Don't you have a system?!
What if I've signed up for Cocu and the TT changed and one of the classes clashes with Cocu?!
O wait! That could happen! =X *Touchwood*
I'm going to fuck them up if this really happens.
For as long as I've been living on this planet, I've never been lucky in all these. There'll always be a problem for me. Thank you.
Mom always blames me for being so emotional and her so-called-gothic-attitude. She said I'm always attracting negative energy, inviting evil and that's the reason why I'm always unlucky in everything I do.
Uh hellooo! Urgh! I'm speechless.

I have crapped enough. Back to my chores. Life!
At least I'm going out tomorrow! Sorority Row with the kid! =D
Think of the bright side. Be positive. Cheer up!
Chill Devil.
Keep your horns.

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