Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Here comes the complains again.
If you can't stand it, leave.

After 2 days of suffering in the dorm, I finally get to go out!
First of all, the quality of the food in the hostel's canteen is definitely deteriorating!
As in REALLY sucky.
Doing their job with zero quality.
The dust in my room is causing my allergies to attack again.
[Even after cleaning, the dust is still there]
So now, I'm sneezing the shit out of me and the dustbin is full of my *!
My nose is on a marathon yo!

And one thing I hate the most is the filthy bathroom!
Dirt and hair everywhere!
Which grosses me the most!

Seriously, I hate seeing strands of tangled hair especially on wet floor.
Totally disgusting!
Even when I'm wearing my flip flops, I just couldn't step on it.

Which means I also hate wig.
After watching a movie called 'The Wig', wigs freak me out even more.
[Michelle Yap, where's my DVD huh?]
Hair extensions are worse!
Wigs and extensions makes me puke!
Yea. Psychotic. SO!


So, today's the first day of Co-cu.
It was okay.
It was kind of fun.
But hell lot of confusion!
[If you know what I mean]
But someone kind of D. =[
By the way, Wednesdays are my off days.
No boring classes! *Cheers*

Okay, I know.
I'm always complaining and complaining about the hostel and mostly about everything.
I don't give a damn about it!
I have the rights right?

Okay, so here I am.
Going online at Startbucks, Borders @ Gardens.
Peaceful enviroment.
Quiet and you can actually feel serenity here.
Syok-ness. =D

Mom and I had pedicure @ Nail Studio before dinner.
My first time, of course.
I didn't want to do it previously because I was damn afraid of people touching my feet.
[Another psycho behaviour of mine]
I hate it.
But after trying it, it was okay actually. Not that ticklish. LOL!

Diggin' something out. Yeaaa. Gross.

Farny laaa.
Looks like the one before but this is even red.
Oo! The massage was good by the way!

Drawing the white rose on mom's big fat toe. =D

Lol. Sama-sama red red.

After that, Japanese food @ Yuzu.

Chawamushi! FAV!

Nice! Only mushrooms, vege, tofu, fish and carrots!
Simple, clear & satisfying.

The soup was the best!

Green Tea Ice Cream! Double YUM! ♥♥

Next, Kampachi @ Pavillion.
Or Angus Steak House perhaps?

Both. =D

Pampered, good food, Starbucks.

I'm spoilt to the max!
Lah lah lah~

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