Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, November 20, 2009


Even though I'm kind of unhappy now, I'll still post about something good.
No emo post! No!
Anyway, I finally have the time to chillax for a while.
Just for thaaat little while.
Next week... Coun ass due, Socio Mid-term and Psycho presentation.
WEEEEE!!!!! -,-

Finished most of the assignments!
Had been busy with asses since last Friday.

One more to go!
*Cheers* =D

Curently owning an extra-ugly-zombie-face.
Puffy eyes & dark circles. Nasty pimples. Haggard look. Dull skin.
Zombie-fied! =D

..:: Yesterday ::..
2012 with the Schizos.
Conflict betul when buying the tickets. -,-
Anyway, it was nice.
I rate it 8/10.
Will never forget the "Engine, start" XD
I didn't like the ending though.
It's so........... fairytale-ish.
O yea.
Start saving 1 billion Euros or build a super chunted high-tech submarine
or just kill yourself now.

I'll just wait for my maker to take me away.
Schizo JoJo Joel's going to build his own 'sampan'. Feel free to join him.
[Not to mention Tsunami. Even a one-meter high wave can
flip his lil 'sampan' over
] =P


..:: Last Monday ::..
Was raining monkeys & donkeys all day long!
Umbrellas didn't help AT ALL!

We were all drenched and cold.

Was forced to attend classes. [Psych Psych *Cough cough*]

Was in a dilemma. To attend or not to attend.

Due to the pathetic, heavy downpour. And the asses. And the BITCH!
At last, I decided to attend WHICH I really, truly, deeply regretted!
Attending her class is already a WTF thing.
She had to make it worse by showing me her LC-ness.
"I said if you did not bring, DON'T attend my class, RIGHT?"
Stop with the 'angmoh' accent la! Anyone can do it but not YOU!
Carrying the Gucci bag only disgraces Gucci.


O. It means ass hole.

..:: Last Sunday::..
Dear's bro's 21st Birthday.
Partay partay at his house.

Cassidy Tan Ba-Bi & One-Eye Monster.

Hmmm. Didn't really do anything there.
Played FB. Played Spot The Difference with the-dude-who-
claimed-himself-the-most-leng-zai. *Puke*
Itu babi pula asyik hilangkan diri. Sibuk layan tetamu.
Then, mom came early. =(


..::Last Saturday::..
Erm. So-called partay at Aunt Li
n's house.
Food food food!
It's always the good food that brings us all to
gether. =P
I actually thought of doing my ass there but ended up playing with the kids.
[I know this sounds WRONG] =

Shen Yi, Kit Yan & I [Ignore the retarded look of mine]

Zombie & Yan

Yan & Retard

Yan & Fat Pig
She's so cute! Lol

I think my blog is a waste of space in the web.
And is blogging a waste of time?
Delete it?

0 trash:


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