Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, February 6, 2010


[Few months ago]
Me : Mami, I want to buy Colourvue lens. Cheaper than Freshkon la.
Mom : >.> Eyes no prob want to keep wearing lens for what? People who have
problem don't even want to wear.
[I have perfect vision, f.y.i.]
Me : Yer. Suka la. 90 bucks for 3 months. Mush better than Freshkon la.
Mom : >.> Aiya. You like la. Got money or not?
Me : Okie! Got got. =D

[After wearing it for about 2 months, eye infection......................... _l_ ]
Mom : I tell you, you better throw it away ar....... Don't keep it there anymore.
Your eye like 'guai' [ghost] d.
Me : ...... O......

[About a month after]
Mami : Don't want buy lens d ar?
Me : O.o *Aper ni?* Erm.... Don't want la. Later infected again.

[Around November, secretly bought a pair of Geo lens. Wore it for about a month. Finally had the guts to tell mom that I bought it. She gave me >.> again.]

*Wear wear wear* for about 1 month+ ---> INFECTION AGAIN -,- *dulan*
[Threw it away -> kena sound by her again -> doc -> $$$ -> sound lagi.]

[Today, while flipping through a magazine, saw the Colourvue ad]
Me : O. Colourvue. *lol*
Mom : What? This is the one you said that has bigger diameter?
Me : No la. That's Japan's Barbie lens. 16mm. This is 14 only. Siao, so big. Cover the whole eyes d. *lol*
Mami : *Laughed* Like Furby. Hmm. You want to buy? O. Zhou meh lei mm mai zho geh?
Me : O.o ............ DON'T WANT. Stupid eyes.

It's like....
Buy -> Sound.
Don't buy -> She'll ask why I don't buy.
Okay, whatever.

Went to Mid Valley today.
Got my pedi done.
It's so CNY feel.
This year is the first year I did not buy clothes for CNY.
Seriously, I don't like shopping!
I have the exasperating feeling raging in me when I see clothes.
It's so boring. I yawned for more than 30 times I guess.
Stuck in the same old rag.
Soooo Cina abek.
I'm so L-A-M-E.
Just kill me, please?! HowIwishIcouldbeoneofthem.Isuck.

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