Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


OH TUHAN. [Even though I don't believe in the existence of God, I still say this.]
My life is as plain as a piece of blank paper.

Can somebody draw something on it?

Routine, monotonous.

No excitement, no fun.
Boring shit.

And the fire alarm is buzzing its ass off.

Effin annoying!

I want some excitement!!!!

I want to go for a bungee jump!


Go for the Eejanaika in Fujiyoshida, Japan!

Aaaaahhhh!!!!!! Just by looking at the picture, I got all keyed up!!!
I want to go for a ride!!!!


Pull some guts out of someone! AWESOME!

OMG. How much I
LOVE horror & macabre!
Blood, ghoul, murder, death.........

kay! Back to reality.

Reality is boring.
Reality is cruel.

Reality is just..............
As we grow up, things are not like what they used to be.

No, actually things are like
that all the while.
It's just that we perceived it differently last time.

Things are....
much more complicated.
People are....
so self-centered.
People grow up to be SELFISH!

Still, money matters.

People are so materialistic.

No matter how much you've helped them, they'll only remember
your negative stuff.

No matter how much you've helped them, they'll forget it.

No matter how much you've helped them, they'll still treat you like an outsider.
And I'm talking about family & relatives.
Other than that, don't even think about it.


Maybe that's life, huh?

I don't want to grow up!

I don't want to know so much. =(


3rd semester's timetable is finally out.

And I don't like it.
Yea even though I have Monday off. [The only cool thing]
The timetable, one word, TORTURE!

2 subjects [English for Social Science & Introduction to Social Psychology],
for 4 freakin' days.

That's still okay but 6 bloody hours of English. Might as well just kill me.
Complained too much. OOOOPS.
Just accept everything that comes along the way.

Think positive. Think positive.

Okay! Adios 'till CNY!

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