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Monday, June 7, 2010


Mad drivers. Yea, once you hit the road, you're in danger.
Danger as in, either getting hit by a psychotic nut or ragging in madness due to your own frustration & ending up getting a heart attack.
There are a few things that really drive my devil out when in certain "road situations".

First, bloody ass holes who think they're F1 racers.
Imagine, driving at 100km/h on the fast lane.
That's certainly not considered slow, right? RIGHT!
And here comes the mug head who flashes the light like nobody's business, honking the fuck out of his car and sticking his car's head at your car's butt.
[Why do I say 'his'? Coz I personally think only people with dick would do that.]
I mean, seriously, what the fuck?
If you think your car is so "power", you might as well just shift to the second lane and overtake!!!
What, no engine? Not enough strength?
 [Power ma, overtake lor! D**!]
Why waste your bloody time and energy doing something that is unproductive?
Please use brains.
The road doesn't belong to you and you cannot do anything selfish.
Oh, wait. And the nut head's car isn't even a race car. You're just driving a bloody K*ncil or S*tria!
Think you're driving a Lambor?! Dream on and please don't make your car overturn.

What makes it more exasperating is, after you have let him pass [when in a good mood], he still got to give you the get-off-the-fast-lane-you-turtle-look.
What's EVEN worse, ten minutes after the race, the bloody car is still in your sight, right in front of you.
Isn't your car damn bloody fast?! Why are you still here?!!

Another thing, same case as the first one, 'sticking car head at car butt at the fast lane' situation.
The impatient moron tends to drive the car close to the right and literally tries to force the front car out of the fast lane.
How absurd is that?! THE LANE ISN"T YOURS DICK HEAD!

Next, still the same as the first case, while Mr. Moron is doing all the barbaric acts, a toll or an exit is up ahead. Obviously, he wants to use the fast lane and you would think he WILL stick on it.
Guess what? The moron swerves to the far left and enters the exit.
OR swerves to the far left to use the 'pay cash lane'.
Driving in a rush all the time but doesn't have a tag? Save money, honey.
OMG. That moment. If there was a gun in my hands, I would have shot the bugger like a million times.

Worst thing!
Driving at 90km/h on the second PUN KENA FLASHED HEADLIGHTS AND HONK!

I just don't understand why people can be so insane.
If you're late for work, get up earlier!!!!
A few more minutes of sleep makes no difference.
Gee, can't ya'll just chill?!
Driving like a mad cow only puts your life in jeopardy. DUH.
And also the lives of other innocent people.
If you're trying to kill yourself, please go to somewhere alienated where no one could see you. Then you can rest in peace. ♥

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