Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Last Post Before DOOM MONTH O.O

Boring Sunday!!
..Okay.. I'm going to write about my dear..
..He's cute, awesome, caring, loving, sociable, hardworking (sometimes lazy =P),
man (sometimes kiddy =P), huggable =P, sometimes blur, his hair is his second life xP
he loves to party (oops..), he knows almost everyone (City Boy huh)

..He's round, silver and flat.. (Think)
..Sometimes round and pink..
O.O Don't get it??

...Want to see him?? Want to see him??
..GO GO!! Scroll down!!!!



Isn't he adorable??!!! XD
He is my pig =P
Things to do after SPM::..
..Go out
..Clubbin' (if and only if my mom gives the green light =P)
..Try all types of alcoholic drink xP
..Party more
..Go on vacation
..Sleep more
Most important task.......
..Hangout with my dear of course =D

Friday, October 17, 2008

Skipped school again~~

..Erm.. Guess I don't have to say anything.. ..Watched a TVB drama "Last One Standing"..
..I thought it was a sad, emo, fighting show..
..It turned out to be a comedy..
..I laughed like CRAP!! Especially the murder scene =P

..So.. Laugh always people!!!!
..My 'DEARest DARLING' got a new cell phone!!
..Finally.. Even though his previous phone was kind of cute =P
..but it's really time for that phone to chiao =P

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Boring day...

..Today.. DARN BORED!! Stupid 'gerak gempur'..
..All we did was chat and chat and chat again~~
..Shouldn't have gone to school..
..Wasted my time listening to the teachers crap.. -_-
..I guess I asked "What's the time??" for like 10 times -_-
..So.. I'm going to skip school tomorrow..
..I don't care coz 3/4 of Form 5 students of SMK Seri Bintang Selatan will be absent!!
..Blame the teachers for their lameness =P
..Hey teachers.. You want to give us green slips?? Better print more -_-

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cameron trip =P

Cameron trip 11-12 October::..
..It was a last minute decision to go Cameron..
..Kind of fun actually..
..The best part was going up..
..My uncle drove like 'Tok Hoi' a.k.a Jay Chou (Initial D) =P
..Dangerous thing is.. It was at night and it's an MPV ( not 'tofu' car =P)
..AND.. He overtake those slow turtles. . Fun!! =P
..I know.. Dangerous but.. Haha..

..Stayed in the SAME OLD DULL AND LAME AND FILTHY apartment -_- bored!!
.."Can't we stay in Equitorial or Heritage or Cameron Highlands Resort or at least
Strawberry Park for a change??" =P
..My mom, dad, Danny and Aunt Lin was so tired the next day because they played
'gim rummy' 'till 5 in the morning..
..I couldn't sleep either because it was so freaking cold..
..I still felt cold even though I wore a long sleeve pj, sweater, shawl, long pants, socks..
..And I even wrapped myself in the sleeping bag -_-

..After Cameron.. We went to Ipoh to have lunch??
..Or.. Erm.. I don't know if it's lunch O.O
..Was freakishly full.. Nearly threw up..
..Man.. The place was like deserted..
..Just a few cars.. and I could barely see homosapiens.. besides us homos =P

On the way.. (I don't know where =P)
'I love this view coz it means I'm going somewhere
far from KL' =D

Finally we've reached..

The apartment we stayed in..

First floor.. (Good.. Don't have to climb =P)


Hey!! That's mine!!!

LOL.. Tried to grab the blue one but failed
(due to the noob-ness of my cousin)

What a mess!! All my stuff =P

Whoa!! Ader gaya!!

Pui!! Konon-nyer Jay Chou.. -_-

The Family who just knows how to eat

Yer!! Worm!!

Me and mom

LOL.. Dad and I

Me and Cous Pui Mun

LOL.. 'The Sun'

Dad and Uncle Simon (from Aus)
(Eat, eat, eat.. Have to hug the stomuch =P)

Mom and Uncle Simon

Cactus?!? LAME!!!

Urgh!! Dirt on my shoe!! -_-

Yer.. Looks..... 'weird'

Honey Bunny

LOL.. What the.. 3 8

Haha!! Ultraman!! I know.. 3 8
(Danny's fault)

Payback!! We forced him to do this =P

Friday, October 10, 2008

What a day!!!

..I swear you'll die from heart attack or being beaten to death or slashed and your heart dug out!!
..You are the WORST tutor or should I say HUMAN I've ever seen!!!
..You call yourself a tutor!! BULLSHIT!!
..Urgh!! Can't chill..

Story started like this::.. (Long story but I cut it short)
..I've been going to this tuition center in Midah since December 2007..
..Started off with 3 subjects.. One subject for 50 bucks..
..That moron told us we have to pay advanced fees for November as well because he'll
be freaking busy by that time *NONSENSE!! BULLSHIT!!
..So I paid 75 bucks for Nov..
..Few months later.. I added 2 more subjects..
..Supposingly I have to pay for the advance.. But I didn't coz he didn't ask me to pay..
..He said we are neighbours so he was just being kind.. *BULLSHIT!!
..The other day I told him that I wanted to quit Add Maths and Maths..
..He said fine but I have to pay another 50 bucks for the advance O.O
..I was like "WHY??!!!"
..Then he said "Even though you quit, you still have to pay.."
.. O.O What kind of theory is that?????!!!
.."Mr. OOi.. You might as well rob the bank!!!"
..Then today.. My mom asked him about this thingy and also paid for this month..
..She said "My daughter said you didn't teach.. so just quit.."
..Straight away he 'fan min'..
..He said "How can you say I didn't teach??!! Then you quit all la!!"
.. O.O So that's the attitude of a tutor??
..Then my mom said "Okay.. Then I want a refund!!"
..He : I won't refund!!
..Mom : How can you say you don't want to refund?!!
..Mom : If you don't refund.. I'll report to the police..
..He : You report la..
..My mom was like.........
..Then she went down.. Find my aunt to talk to him..
(before this my aunt and unc already had conflicts with that moron..)
..My aunt was FREAKING PISSED!! She dashed up and shouted at him..
..Three of them quarrelled like crap!!
..Then that moron took out his phone and started taking photos of my aunt with his stupid face
..He said she was too aggresive.. *As if he's not!!
..Then my mom said "Why do you have to take her photo.. Okay.. If you want to take..
then I'll take also!!"
..The moment my mom take her phone out and started taking his pics..
.. O.O How idiotic!!!
..My aunt wanted to punch the fella.. Luckily my mom stopped her..
..If not.. I can't imagine how big this case is going to be..

..Too bad.. I wasn't downstairs to see what was going on..
..After that I followed my mom up..
..To make sure that he deleted all the photos he had taken..
..I was 'GLARING' at him.. almost burning into his flesh..
..Then another woman told us to chill and said that it's all settled..
..She was like 'almost' pushing us out of the door..
..And I was like "Don't touch me!!''
..At last.. My mom got back the money and threw 50 bucks to him..
..For the classes that I went for October..
..That's donation for the pathetic beggar!!

..GoSH!! I really wanted to report to the police!!
..Dare you hit my mom.. I'll kill you!! I SWEAR I WILL!!
..People like him should go to the underworld!!
..There's no difference between him and a robber!!

.....Okie.. I chilled -_-

Thursday, October 9, 2008

School sucks -_-

..School's SOOO boring!!!!!
..Been rotting in school for four days.. and I can't stand it anymore..
..Even though we can chat and crap and laugh and SLEEP..
..Four days is enough.. Enough is enough..
..We chat 'till there's nothing left for us to crap about..
..And YOU!! Budak!! Tau ponteng ajer..
..I'm going to pon next Wed.. -_-
..What makes things worse is results from trials... -_-
..Results suck!!!
..Teachers just came in to marks our papers..
..GOSH!! What were you guys doing during Raya holiday?? Having fun 'balik kampung' and
forgotten about our papers?? One WHOLE week and you can't finish marking?? Ish.. How
..Worst is.. Next week's 'Gerak Gempur'.. Will definitely skip a few days..
..Okie.. Chill..

..It's okay.. At least I get to enjoy one more movie before 'doom month'
..Going to Pavillion for 'House Bunny' tomorrow after school..
..MIRACLE!! I didn't skip school this week O.O
..Kind of impossible a "hardworking student" like me =P

..These are the presents I got for ma burpday..

From Carmen
(Love this!! The 'RUM' is good!!)

From mom, Aunt and Uncle =P
spend it?? Of course NOT!! SAVE IT!!

....And THIS.. Is of course from my Dearest Budak.. or Uncle =P *don't smack me!!
..Didn't know what it was at first coz it was too dark.. O.o
..Then only I realized it was a tee =P
..Anyway... Like it very much.. coz it's white.. (White is Pure.. Pure Evil)
..Hehe.. Tomo Arigatou Gozaimasu!!!! You're the best!!

Aiyoyo.. Need to do some ironing first.....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Back on track

SUNDAY,5 October::..
..Whoa.. It's been a month I didn't blog..
..First.. exam.. then laptop broke down.. So..
..Bought a new comp!!!! =P
..1700+ cheap..
..Been going out this whole holiday week.. Yeay!!
..And someone said I dumped him at home and have fun..
..It was my mom who wants to go out.. ~~really
..And I'm going out again today =P
..To grandma's house.. Do what??
..Gim rummy...... Nothing but that.. But I'm not going to play..
..Enough with the 'giving'.. I ain't Santa or Choi San ye
SATURDAY,4 October::..
..Went to Aunt's house to celebrate mom's birthday..
..Bought Dominoes Pizza for mom.. 82 bucks wei..
..Cousin Soon Huei bought Fruit Cake for mom..
..Gim Rummy AGAIN!!
..Another 10+ bucks gone..
..3 man bully me.. --> Itu Uncle Danny, Chiea Yong and Mr. Hong..
..3 days I lost 40+..
..But it's okie.. Giving is a good thing..

Happie Burpday MOM!!!!!!

Mom's Birthday cake

Mom, Wu Tong and Jing Yi (she wants to blow the candles.. naughty gurl)

Happie Family!!

Friday,3 October::..
..Went to Jusco with Aunt and Uncle to see 'rice cooker' -_-
..Was DARN bored!! Walked to MPH to read Bio Ref book -_-
..Saw some 'orangss'
..First Li Hsia and Kai Xin working as sales gurls..
..Then Mandy and her mom
..Lastly Ze Wei (He looks like my dad.. I mean.. When my dad's young..)
..Then Petaling Street..
..Then dinner.....
..Nephew Wu Tong's full moon!!
..His name is kind of oldish but it's very meaningful..
..Future rich guy!! Haha =P
..After the dinner we went to Aunt's shop again.. Gim rummy again!! What else..
..Lost 10+ bucks agian~~ -_-
..Played 'till midnight again~~

My adorable nephew!!

HAHA!!! Dad and Jing Yi!!

Jing Yi *Kawaii!!!

Shen Yi and Kit Yan

THURSDAY,2 October::..
..Supposed to stay home but.... went out again.. HAHA!!
..With dad and mom..
..Hanged out at Aunt's shop..
..Played Gim Rummy again.. but with money this time..
..Lost 10+ bucks -_-
..Then went to Kaki Corner's to have dinner..

WEDNESDAY,1 October::..
..Raya?? So?? None of my biz..
..Went to Aunt Eli's house..
..Do what?? What else??
..Mahjong!! Duh!!
..Adults --> Mahjong
..Us 'so called kids' --> Gim Rummy!!
..Haven't played this game for like months.. Hands itchy =P
..Played 'till midnight..
..Watched "Money No Enough"
..Kind of funny but I was too sleepy.. So.. TIDUR -_-Zzz

TUESDAY,30 September::..
..Supposed to just stay at home but went out again =P
..To Low Yat this time.. Checked out some comps and ended
up buying this one..
..No brand.. Just mix and match..

..Went downtown.. Crowded and hot..
..Hate that place!!
..Went to Mid Valley with mom..
..Watched Mamamia..
..Funny show.. Laughed like crap..
..Tuiton.. BORING!! YES!! I quit Add maths!!! and maths too!!

SUNDAY, 28 September::..
..Cousin SH's and CY's Tea Ceremony
..And... I'm the bride's maid..
..First time being a bride's maid..
..I didn't know what to do.. Just help and do whatever I can..
..It was AWESOMELY SYOK-ing making fun of the groom and his guys!!
..They had to pass 3 stages to get to the bride..
..And... After one day of hardwork.. I got 80 bucks red packet
..Worth it?? YUP!!! =P

Me and Cousin Kit Yan

Ader ke make up??? no diff

SATURDAY, 27 September::..
..Cousin Soon Huei and Chiea Yong's WEDDING!!!!
..CONGRATS!!!! =p
..Didn't really know what's going on during the dinner coz we were busy helping out and
'counting red packets'..
..Anyway.. Happie happie..
..Aunt from HK, Uncle from Australia and Cousin from England came back to attend the
wedding dinner..

Here's the BRIDE!!!!

The stupid brother =P a.k.a my cousin
(the one who only knows how to play comp games)

Me and Cousin Wai Yen

Mom, me and Cousin Wai Yen

Haha.. The freaks.. Litttle cousins

=P Dad and Jing Yi a.k.a my niece
(the cute and NAUGHTY ONE)
She's been pulling my dress the whole night

Me and Cousin Wai Yen ~~again

My FAV dish!! Sweet and Sour Fish!! =P

Me and Shen Yi a.k.a my niece
(Miss Smarty Pants)

Cousin San and her husband from Birmingham, England
(He's funny!! Even though it's hard to understand what he's saying)

'4 duo kam fa' Eldest Aunt, 2nd Aunt (from HK),3rd Aunt (bride's mom) and my mom!!

FRIDAY,26 September::..

..Exam's over!!!!!

..Happiest thingy ever..

..Went to Jusco (terpaksa pick that place, for convinience) with the Budak =P

..Haha.. Free lunch!! Thanks o!!

..Uncle's supposed to fetch me but mom asked whether I want to go Sg. Wang..

..Of course YES!!

..So took Lrt then Monorail to there..


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