Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, November 14, 2009


What's wrong with Mozilla? I can't upload pics. Ish. =(

Anyway, had a yummy yummy dinner with mom yesterday.
Japanese food @ Kampachi, Pav.
Tokyo Bento! Mmmmmmm
Love the beef roll OMG!
Am so in love with BEEEF recently. =D
[Next, Kobe Beef!] =P
Thought of going to Angus Steakhouse. Unfortunately, it was closed. =(

Bought a nail polish too! My RED HOT CHILI RED! =D
Fortunately, it matches with the current one! Wee! =D
Don't have to buy OPI which is damn expensive!
Got the base & top coat as well for only 11 bucks.
Protect the nails.
*Tsk tsk*
Don't have to go for another pedi too!
Can do it by myself! =D
[Of course professionals produce MUCh better quality work]


I've decided. I want to be happy! <-- This sounds dumb
I want to be a happy happy person.
No matter what. I don't care about what others say anymore.
I won't let others affect me.
I live in my own world. My happy world.
I want to paint my life with all the happy colours!
O. Black is still one of my favourite colour though. =D
Smie and laugh. Attract all positive energy!

After a deep, long thought, I realised my life ain't that sucky.
I make it sucky. I make it worse.
Therefore, I'm going to fix it. =)
Add colours and happiness to my life.

My 2010 resolution is to be an optimistic person!

[I need time to change]
I admit that I didn't give myself a chance to change.

Ms Caren is right. Carl Roger's theory is right.
Why focus on the bad stuff?
When you focus more on the good stuff, the bad one tends to recede.
Isn't that great?
Happiness & laughter are contagious.

I always show my sour and emo face. I know. So bloody annoying.
I know that it's actually making the people around me suffer.
When I'm always unhappy, those around me won't be able to pull a smile.
[Those who really care about me, I mean]
Those who don't, God knows.
So.......... Why not?


Currently going GAGA!~~
Lady Gaga.
Gaga Gaga.
Omg. This proves it........
Assignments are driving me nuts!
Gee. Faced the monitor for hours & my wrist is aching now. =(

I have to finish everything by today. Latest tomorrow. Aiks.
One down, 2 more to go.
Having a hard time doing Sociology. No idea how to crap the examples.

But,,, nevermind. I can do it. Don't care if I have eye bags, dark circles or nasty pimples [which I already have], I must finish everything!
Counseling Test next Monday.
Plus, our timetable is packed.
Seriously PACKED! Like sardine in a can!
Monday 9-10, 10-12, 12-1.30, 2-4 & 4-5.30!
"At the end of the day" *cough cough*, we'll collapse & go ZZZ.
Wednesdays are supposed to be FREEE but we have replacement classes.
Lots of them. Ms Caren said she owes us 5 classes! Holy!
Wee!!!!! Fun!!

O! I want to add something!

How to be a self-actualized person
1. You have to have an 'angmoh' slang.
2. You must at least get a "MAsters".
*Say it with the 'angmoh' slang & emphasize on the A*
3. You have to as arrogant as possible.
4. You have to walk as if your feet weigh a tonne & make the
sound *tap tap tap* with your sandals/shoes/whatever.
5. You don't have to have good teaching skills. If someone asks
you to explain some terms/theory, just say "Check it our yourself!"
6. Pick on people & be as harsh as you can on them.

See! It's so easy to adopt the characteristics of a self-actualized person! =P
Okay okay. I'm just joking. This is just to tell you how baaaaaad my * lecturer is. Sarcastic right?
Lalala~ Don't care.
I'm proven to be sarcastic. We did a personality test during Psycho lesson & thanks to JoJo Joel & Kit, I'm a sarcastic person. They tick me 'rebellious' as well! =[
But I certainly am NOT sly!! -,-

Anyway, back to my assignments!
From now on, there will only be happy posts!
Ass Ass! I'm doing it happily! =D
See! My first step to becoming an optimist! =D *cheers*

Spread the joy! Spread the laughter! Spread the

1 trash:

Anonymous said...

Five starts for the characteristic of self-actualizer.

You can be the person you believe you want to be. :D



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