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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Los seres humanos son el mal

What's with people nowadays? Don't they have a slight sense of humanity? Mercy? Sympathy? People are just pure evil. Insensitive. Unthoughtful. They don't give a shit about how others feel.They don't give a shit if they hurt someone's feelings. What do they care about? Selfish. Self-centered.

Insult. Humiliate. That's what humans tend to do. That's their hobby. They feel great after they have belittled someone else. They insult to feel superior.

They think they're so great. As a matter of fact, .........................................
[Sadly, that includes close friends.]
Sometimes, I wish I didn't have to deal with humans. Why am I even a human? Dealing with animals seems like a MUCH better option. I'd rather be an ant even if I have to be killed, crushed, stepped or whatever shit. I don't care. Or I should be a pig! Life of a pig is all about eating, sleeping & getting slaughtered. It's far more blissful to be a human. Humans are the most evil creature on planet earth. There are too many of them. And earth should be destroyed. Fortunately, it's happening soon. Cruelty stops then.
[Seeing a human die is better than seeing an animal die.]

Those who rape or murder like Jack the Ripper & commit all brutal crimes....
Those physical crimes........... They don't hurt much. At least the victims are really dead & they don't have to feel the pain anymore. And the pain only occurs once. But words... Words used by people are the most savage, cruel, crude, unsympathetic, ruthless way of killing someone. Of course people won't be physically dead but those words..... They're like deadly knives that scrape your heart until one day, your heart feels so numb. You have to live with the pain and you can't just die. You only wish you were. You feel worthless. Belittled. Mentally ill. What will people say then? You're crazy. It's all your own fault. You think too much. But how much do they know? NONE.

And then you try to hint everyone. But what crosses their minds is, "It's just another complaint & emo moment of hers. Let it be" or "Aah, whatever. Bull shit". They even attack more! It's just so disappointing!
Can't you all just pretend that I'm invisible?! Oh yea. Of course not coz I'm too fat & obvious!

Yea. After all this bull shit that I have typed, one thing will cross your mind.
But do you even ACTUALLY know why I do this?!
If they hadn't started it, I wouldn't have adopted this behaviour.
Sometimes, an issue might not seem so important to someone but it IS to another.

To those who don't read my blog, that would be GREAT! I can say FUCK YOU!
Nah, to whoever.... You don't even know if I'm talking about you.

I didn't give a damn about what people say back then. But after years of accumulation, my level of patience & acceptance are up to its limit.
I want to learn to pick up those that I want to to hear & ignore insensitive words. Can I?
Can I just succumb without anyone knowing?Can I just be invisible?Can we just live without judging each other?
Can I go to a place where there are no humans?
Can they just stop saying those mean stuff to me?

Don't even bother asking me what the prob is.
Yea yea.It's all rubbish.Exaggeration.I'm psychotic.
Better yet, leave me alone.

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