Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Just finished my dinner with mom at Canton-i, Gardens.
Dim Sum Dim Sum!
The 'Siew Mai' ain't that nice compared to the van's. LOL

Piggy Bun!
Watched The Time Traveler's Wife. Nice!
Sad sad story but somehow unrealistic.
The angmoh beside me kept crying and crying and crying.
All I heard throughout the movie was *sobs, sobs , sobs*.
Crying man. Aww.
Okay whatever.

Visited the Grands.
Actually planned to go to Ikano coz mom wanted to get
her Gucci bags cleaned.
Ended up at Chili's, Bangsar instead due to the heavy traffic near Ikano.

Southwestern Grilled Lamb.
It was okay but I find Monte's Charbroil much better.

Fajitas Trio.
Beef, chicken, prawns and veges.
Comes with some sort of Mexican Pita Bread and dressings.

Roti Canai?! LOL

Cheddar Oldtimer
Aiyaaaaaa. McD's Quarter Pounder nicer laaaaaaaaa. MUCH cheaper still! -,-

Headed to Cold Storage after food. Don't know why my dad
loves to go there.
Yea. Better quality stuff. =D

Halloweeny Pumpkins! Cute! =D

Huh? You're looking at me?! Wanna fight?!

Like doh! Come laaa!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..::Tuesday::..
'Soul Tee' day.
Before entering Counseling class, we snapped some pics.
Well, Fishy forced us. -,-
'Give face' coz we were all wearing our 'Soul Tee'. LOL

JoJo, Devil K, Tyan Yap, Cutie Mun.
JoJo looks so GURLY!!!!!!!
The 3 Gurls 1 Guy gang lives on and passed on from
one generation to another!!

The L3s!
Sharon, Janice, JoJo, Fishy, Tyan Yap, Devil K, Hec,
Paul, JiaJia, Cutie Mun, Leon.

I this semester's Counseling classes!
Lots of practical!
First, we did a Counseling session on our own friend.
and I counseled each other.

We had to pick symbols that represent our family.
That particular lesson was kind of emotional.

Some cried. Some felt better. Some relieved. Some felt worse.

Well, I held back my tears and tried to control my emotions.

Didn't want to burst out crying and getting all emotional the whole day.

Then next was the Thematic Apperception Test [TAT].

A set black & white pictures were given to us.
We had to tell stories about the pics to our partners.

Good or bad stories? You decide. YOU give meaning to it.
All of them are people from the 18th-19th century.
Love those pictures.
Projects so many meanings. Different meanings.

And this week, we did the erm......
I don't know what that was.
But we had to make a box using the art block.

So, we were in the process of making the box.


Fishy & Leon. LOL

And then we had to cut out pictures and words from some old magazines & paste it on the outside & inside of the box.
What's outside represents the face/mask that we present to the world.
Or what we wish to be.

And what's inside?
You know what. The Shadow. X]

Mine's with the word
"FIGHT". Don't really know why I pasted that.

Foodie Foodie!


What did I paste on the inside of the box?
That's a secret that I'll never tell. XOXO.
LOL. Wtf. That's SO GG.
Wee!!!!! Going to get it from Sharon!

LOL! JiaJia's.
Pour some ashes into the box, shove in 3 joss sticks & you know what!

Next activity, Rorschach Inkblot Test [RIT].
Water colour! Can't wait! XD
It's like we all traveled back in time to our primary school ages. =)

JoJo drew this. -,-
Because of the FB quiz [How well do you know me].

One of the questions was like,

I secretly would like to be a ____ for a day.

He picked LION! -,-
After our Sociology lecture, when we were getting ready to dash back for a nice, relaxing bath & a good rest,,,,,, some of our seniors came in & told us that they're doing an experiment on the effects of frequent exposure to violent movies on the level of desensitization & emotional reactions.

Of course, we stayed back to watch it! =D
The title was 'Hostel'! DAN DAN DAN DAAAN!~
Aiyo, nothing scary at ALL.
Not about ghosts. This movie,
--> Sex, obscene scenes, nudity, tits, asses, stupidity, blood, body parts,
human trafficking, cruelty, heartless, hilarious, psychotic, suicide,
chop chop chop......
The words 'fuck' & 'fucking' are uncountable.
It was like "Fucking this, Fucking that!"
And also lots of "fucking" going on. Lol. You watch, you pay!

DAMN HEIGHTENED! You'll feel the euphoria when you watch it!

High betul. XD Oopssssssssss.
It's the parts where these maniacs kidnap people & chop them into pieces.
These NAKED HOT CHICKS in Slovakia lure these foreigners into it.

They get $$ for doing that! Even the choppers!
Wee!! I want to chop some fingers too!!!!

Btw, it has nothing to do with the hostel! I mean, there's something
connected but,
still it didn't really take place in the hostel. Lol.

What's most important is the FREE SNACKS!

TyanTyan, MinMin *shudders*, RenRen, HaoHao and SentSent.
Don't call me LiLi! -,-

SHOW TIME SHOW TIME!! =D Must watch! There's also Part II!

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