Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I did it again.
Couldn't stand it.
My hair sucks.
Decided to CUT the damn hair!
Just bang-ed it. =D
Same old hair-do.
Mom said I look like China doll. -_____-

Have you ever seen a China doll with dark skin?!

[Found this on the net but I own one of these! =D ]
See. Chinese people are fair.
Fair = Beautiful
Not like me! -,-

Have you ever seen a China doll with fat face?!

Okay maybe there is but I ain't that cute.
LOL! It's effin kawaii!
Have you ever seen a China doll which looks like a zombie?!

Maybe I can be a fat zombie doll!
Lol. DUMB.

Anyway, I think I look noob-ish right now.
Unable to Gaga-fy it. Lol.


Friday, December 25, 2009

Joyeux Noël!

Merry Merry Christmas! ❄

I don't know what to type.
Just crap about yesterday! XD

Fishy Fish gave us lil' gifts.
X'mas eve. Give face.
Take pic! Lol. During English class.

Elfs. LOL!
Zombie Elf, Elf T & Elf J.

Our Santa Claus. EEW! Lol.

JoJo Joel really looks like an elf!

Elfs talking on the phone.Elf J was just acting.

Zombie Elf & Angel ShArOn.I look WEIRD! -,-

Elf Fishy, Elf T, Zombie Elf, Elf J & Angel S.

Jia Jia, Uncle Jay, Fishy, Zombie, Mr. Mani, T, Leon[T's ahem! XD],
Gay Hec & JasonT

Muacks!!! ♥

We went to Mines for Nandos. Lol
Was a last minute decision.
Didn't know where to go.
Town is forbidden ☠

Espetada. [Ordered this just to play]

URGH! Dad bought popcorn! & also McD's Sundae Cone!
-,- Jahat.
[Tak fattening punye makanan pun tak beli!]

Mom gave me this card. Lol.

& this too! =D
Nuts About My Dughter! XD

Mom bought herself a Gucci bag!!!!!!!! =<
Gucci Gucci Gucci Gucci!!!!!!

O yea! The moment that we have been waiting for!
Evaluation! *smirk*
Comments for the bitch!

We just threw everything out! Awesome!
I can actually write something that would put her job at risk.
--> "She gave us tips"
But! Didn't want to coz it'll trouble us also.
We still want tips la! XD

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Thyroid disease, goitre or hypochondriasis?
Hypothyroidism perhaps?
Wondering what the hell I am crappin' about?

Well, my mom thinks I have thyroid problem which I think is Hypothyroidism.
'My own "unprofessional" diagnosis =P'.
& why does she thinks this way? Coz I have most of its symptoms.

Fatigue and weakness ❝Everyday❞
Low basal temperature (cold intolerance) ❝A lil❞
Dry and coarse skin ❝Obviously❞
Hair loss ❝Erm, yea?❞
Cold hands and feet ❝Always❞
Weight gain ❝ALWAYS❞
Insomnia ❝Not really❞
Constipation ❝Lol. Don't think so❞
Depression ❝Hmmmm. Dysthymic Depressive Disorder perhaps?❞
Poor memory, forgetfulness, dementia ❝Forever❞
Nervousness and tremors ❝Depends❞
Anxiety ❝YUP❞
Slow heart rate ❝A-huh❞
Immune system problems ❝Totally❞
Irregular menstrual periods ❝Recently❞

OR MAYBE Grave's Disease?! [Similar to hypothyroidism].

Enlarged thyroid gland [Goiter] ❝A lil since birth❞
Bulging, itchy or swollen eyes DUHHH!!!!
Difficulty breathing ❝Most of the time❞
Anxiety, irritability ❝Totally❞
Unexplained weight loss ❝HELL NO! -,- *I wish*
Excess perspiration & sensitivity to heat ❝HATE THE HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!! URGH!!!❞
Muscle weakness, especially in upper arms and thighs ❝I'm weak =( ❞

SO! Hmmmm. Most of it eh?
Or is she feeling hypochondriasic for me?? LOL
This is awkward.
Anyway, planning for a check up.
Will know soon.

Sunday, Sunday.
Chillin' at home.
Told ya nothing's better than home.
[Here comes the complains again!]
Once I come home, all my horrible allergies subsided.
The moment I step into the dorm, my eyes will start to itch, I'll sneeze like a mad dog, and my skin...... UNEXPLAINABLE! -,-
I'm like the dust&dirt detector! O.o
Or is this one of my psychotic mindsets again?

Christmas, Christmas.
Don't really feel the '
X'mas spirit this year.
Maybe it's because of............. Nvm!
Will still get lil gifts for the close ones.
I want to go Pavi! Snow! [Though it's fake] =D

Today is our 500th day together .
Haven't seen my babi for more than month! =(
Sad case. Pathetic.
Missing like mad.

In dilemma.
This or that?
In a double approach-avoidance conflict.

Friday, December 18, 2009


JoJo Joel turned 18 yesterday!
Even though he is 18 now, he still looks like a kid.
[The extremely cute picture of him above explains it all XD ]

The pressies we gave him. [ROMP Shirt & a Dark Choc Bar]

We celebrated his Birthday on Wednesday @ Green Box, Sungei Wang!
All sorts of funny stuff happened in the room. LOL!
There was no 'Bad Romance' available.
Therefore, JoJo Joel turned on the media payer on his phone instead.
Hit max volume, put the microphone near it.... & SING! XD
Rah rah ah ah ah~
[I did not sing! *cough cough cough*]

The special Birthday cake!
[White Choc Macadamia, New York Cheese, Choc Mud,
Moist Choc, Choc Indulgence & Marble Cheese]

The advantages of buying different kinds of cakes when there's
only 4 person & you can't bring it home:-
--> You can try different kinds, of course.
--> You do not have to buy a whole kg & waste it.
--> You can taste quality cake.
--> You can save A LOT this way. XP
--> It is special!
--> A new way for celebrating Birthdays!
--> The cakes were finished in a jiffy!

I can see that he was really surprised when the cake came in.
Yeay! We succeeded! XD

Just dig in!

It was also Tian Jwu's Birthday! [White tee guy on the left]

Eye drops. The 'red-eye disease' is like _l_
[Mine, JoJo Joel's & Sharon's]
[This is kind of random eh?]

Christmas is next week!
& we have a wedding dinner to attend on Christmas eve!
Lame shit.

I think I have some other stuff to crap about.
But time's running out.
No one will read my crap anyway.

Time to find my 'best friend' again!
Nighty night!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I saw this awesome house at Connaught this afternoon.
How COOL! I want one too! =D

Just back from whacking!
Weeeee!~ FAT FAT FAT~

All-you-can-eat Buffet Steamboat @Tasty Pot, Sunway.

Grab grab grab!~
38-ed face. -,-


For peeps' sake, those homos there, especially the aunties,
grab the food like there's no tomorrow!
Goodness! -,-
O! & also my uncle, cousins & dad........
Busy walking around with plates.
They took hell lots of fish, crab, mutton & chicken wings!
Stuffed our stomachs like *&^#*$^)%*^#&$!

Saw some chicks wearing sweater, jacket and even dresses [the clubbin kind]!
Yea. VERY nice. But during a steamboat session?!!!
Helloooo! Siao ar?! Fuckin' HOT man!
Your receptors are not functioning well or what?! You don't feel hot but observers who observes feels the heat yo!
I know it's none of my damn business. I just want to blab it out here!

Seriously ALL-you-can-eat man!

O! The Soya-based soup was good, AT FIRST........
[Once you throw everything inside + some mixture of the spicy soup = SUCKY!]



Starry starry fish~

ERM......... Cock much?!
[Short & fat] XD

[Long & thin] XD

OMG! The first time I ate like a barbarian! -,-

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Can be ARE deceiving.
Well, most of the time.
Exhibit A = WONG KAI LI.
[I'm not saying that I put on a mask all the time &
deliberately present a certain look to others]

I really do not know why most of the peeps would say I look 'innocent'.
Seriously, I do not think I look innocent AT ALL! Lol

People tend to expect something different from me.
And the way I present myself..... It always surprises everyone.
Like "Waa! Kylie! Didn't know you're like that!" or "You don't look like you'll do this kind of stuff." or "You look like those good girls." BLEH.
Are you kidding me?! Goodness.
When I am with my clique, I am NOISY, UNLADYLIKE &
even BOORISH at times.

When I keep my mouth shut, THAT is when I do not fancy
that particular someone.
That's why I do not talk.
I do no want to waste my energy talking crap.

BUT, others will perceive me as shy then. *rolling eyes*

Bah! Whatever and however others want to perceive me as,
I do not give a damn about it.

I am complicated. Yea, I admit it.
I may look "innocent", but what is going on in my psychopathic brain is probably beyond your wildest imagination.
Lol. So do not get fooled by my look.
.'. My behavior & characteristics are always the opposite of how I look.
Adios amigos! Time to find my best 'friend'. X]


Sunday, December 6, 2009


SO! Today..................
Felt kind of pissed and stupid. Felt like I've been cheated.
Not that I've been cheated or something. I mean the feeling.
Basically, we went there JUST to get our attendance, in order NOT TO FAIL our Co-curricular activity. Or else I'll lose my damn scholarship & also pay a 100+ bucks to re-sit to get the bloody MF credit hours.
Thinking about this makes me want to drop an atomic bomb on TARC.
URGH! Shit system!

I got up at 4.30 this morning.
Fucking reluctant to get my fat ass off the bed.
My alarm went GAGA & I'm still pigging. XD
*Ohaiyo. Ohaiyo. Ohaiyo! O-Haiyo!! OHHAIYOOO!!!!!!!*

That Mr. Bonnie/Bonny/Boni/Bony/WHATEVER said that we have to be there by 6 &&& guess what.........
I can't even see their shadows UNTIL it was 7.15 or so!
What theeee...
Me, as usual, always the earliest. Stood there like a dummy.
Called MK & MY for like a gazillion times.
I thought what the hell had happened to them....
MK overslept. -____________-

Yea. Here she is. PEACE! V
We were the Reddies.

The colourful field.

Stupid hand!
Even foolish idea -> Fireworks early in the morning.
Hellooooooooo. See smoke ar?!

I want the balloons! =(

There were some freaks dancing also. Near US. Serious freaks man.
Guys wearing hideous make up a.k.a eye liner guy liner + awful tights which looked as if it could explode any second + dreadful screams!
So sad to be their mother.
OOOOPS! I'm being judgemental.
Sorry but freaks remain freaks.
Disgusting bimbo shits.
NO! Akua shits! ><

I keep saying how much I hate this event, bla bla bla. Yet, I'm blogging about it.
Waste of time right? Yea.

OMG! I got to start digging into the notes & text books for finals.
It's next month! Total dead meat.
But I finally have the time to watch GG after the long wait.
I want to watch it & certainly can't get enough of it. WE can't. LOL!
But finalsssss........ [This word gives me the shivers right down my spine]
Or maybe I should save it for CNY.
I don't think I can go to the water park due to the 'unpleasant event'.

My bloated stomach is still bloated. 'Till now. Since last week. Damn it.
If only I could just shove my finger down to my throat & vomit everything out.
I feel extremely fat. -,-
Oh yea. Coz I AM. Peace out.

O-kay! Cut the crap & trash. Back to work.

One last presentation for Semester 2!
Bermuda Triangle, here I come! =D

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I feel so bloated now.
What's wrong with my stomach nowadays?
Digestive system gone all wrong!
I need laxatives. Urgh!

..:: Friday ::..

Went to Jusco to get some stuff after class.
Thanks to Yan Kit who dropped me off at the LRT, I saved 60cents. Lol.
Walking around & buying stuff like a dead zombie.
I don't know what's wrong with my head.
Felt like my brain was being squished.
I actually looked like a schizophrenic!
Took the bus back. Stopped at the wrong spot.
Had to walk in the drizzling rain.
In conclusion, doing stuff alone ain't fun at all! =(

Anyway, I had a great nap after I got back to the dorm.
From 4-7.30! Syok-ness!
Watched 'My Bloody Valentine'!
This movie is so damn funny!
I practically laughed all the way.
There was one part where the woman & man were having sex.
She kept going "YeHs YeHs!".
After something something, she was running around naked outside the motel.
Her boobs bouncing all over. LOL!
The best part was, Tom slicing his victims' body & digging their hearts out.
LOL! Totally hilarious!

..:: Saturday ::..
Went to Merdeka Square for rehearsal.
Damn lame. -,-
During the break, we were hungry like HELL!
Therefore, we decided to call McD!
The conversation between Mei Yee & the McD chick was...... funny? Lol.
Everyone was dancing while we were McD-ing. Brilliant!
We did join in half way! 'Gi
ve face' XD


Seriously, idiotic!
No food for us at all?! Not even refreshment!
Those big shots even have tables with food ready for them!
You call that 'One Malaysia'?!
They got their stomachs filled while we starve.
How awesome!
Even Dato' Ng said "Huh?! No lunch for them?! No breakfast also?!"
HAH! This is our system.

Worst thing, we have to wear this tee & that hideous cap tomorrow!
And look how fugly that bag is!
Even my grandmother would not be willing to carry that out!


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