Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Seems like some pig invaded my blog yesterday. RAWR!!
Okay. Everything is right EXCEPT for the 5th point!
Am FAT & certainly do not have a hawt body.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Thank God there are public holidays on Fridays!
I can spend more time at home. =D
But replacement classes were and will be practically HELL!
Never mind. Bear with it.
But I can't come home next weekend. Two weeks! =(
Thanks to the stupid dance practice.
Lame dance moves! Totally L-A-M-E....................
As in really really really LAMEEEEEE!
I don't mean to criticize traditional dances. Sorry but IT'S LAME.
Totally different from what is performed by professional dancers.
I know we're not professionals, at least teach us something better!
And of course not so embarrassing & humiliating moves!
Repeating the same moves. REPETITION IS A SIGN OF STUPIDITY.
The 'sakai dance',,, OMG X 100000000000!
I don't know where to hide my face after performing
it in front of SO many people.
The melody horrifying music is stuck in my head.
Eh ehh eh ehh eh eh eh eh eh!!~
Goodness. Or maybe that's where Lady Gaga or 2NE1
got their inspiration from. =P
Anyway, we have to go to Merdeka Square for three consecutive days.
Prepare to get a heat stroke.
And I shall transform from a Malay to an Indian. Probably a nigger! -__-
One Malaysia. *puke*

The movie "Phobia" is totally NOT SCARY!
Don't even know why they'll say it's very scary.
Or maybe I'm just too immune to it. Seriously no feel.
The first story, I don't really know what the heck was going on.
The ghost... WAIT! There was no ghost! Just a walking tree! LAME SHIT.
Run run run, rawr rawr, hit by stones, DIE.
The second one worse!
It was so fast I couldn't even figure out whether it was a continuation from the first one or another story. By the time I got it, it was already telling the third story.
Till now, I don't even know if it's second or actually the first one.
Third one, NONSENSE. Zombies. LOTS of them.
[O! They can run so fast! Awesome!]
Fourth, it wasn't scary but sad.
The part that made me want to cry was the part where the kid got killed in the hood of his mom's car. =(
I love the fifth story the most! In fact we all LOVE it! =D
It was DAMN funny! I don't mean scary funny. It's funny funny.
We nearly laughed our heads off.
If only the whole movie was like that. Syok-ness! =D

I need someone who is expert in computers! =(
I don't know what's wrong with it.
I can't download stuff! =(

I don't like my hair style! =(
Random but yea.
It's suckier day by day!
No style! Lame!
Grow hair! Grow!

My hair sucks. My skin condition sucks.
And why am I so fat? =[
Why do I have the 'Fat genes'?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I'm tired. Exhausted.
But,, nevermind.
Thank God Friday's a public holiday! =D
I can go home on Thursday! *cheers*

I have no idea what's with the title.
But revenge WILL be sweeeeeet X]

I want to sleep 'till noon!
Just for one day!
I've been getting up early at either 5 or 6 since,, I DON'T KNOW WHEN!

..:: Sunday ::..
Had to attend the damn dance practice at MaTiC.
Lame Shit.
Crab moves and monkey show.
I don't even know why I was there.
We went 'lepak-ing' at the Chocolate shop instead.
Really wanted to buy some. But it was too expensive. =(

Yummilicious CHOCs!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once we have finished, we spotted a snake!
No, not those lurking in the bushes.
Some dude brought it to the fun fair.
Cute Python! =D

MK with Mr. Python.I dare not post the large size one. For some reason. LOL

Then, rushed home.
Movie session with the family @ TS!
2012-ed again. Lol.
The world ended twice.
"Not again...." =D

The family who places FOOD as the highest priority.
You see them, you see food. [Applicable vice versa =P]

..:: Monday ::..
Emo Shit.
Don't really know what to type.

We always pay full attention during Ms. Caren's lecture.
But yesterday,,,,,,,, Erm,,,,,,,
We did ORIGAMI! =D

JoJo Joel's swan camel with wings!

Papa swan, Mama swan & baby swans! =D And also a flower!

Okay I know.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Even though I'm kind of unhappy now, I'll still post about something good.
No emo post! No!
Anyway, I finally have the time to chillax for a while.
Just for thaaat little while.
Next week... Coun ass due, Socio Mid-term and Psycho presentation.
WEEEEE!!!!! -,-

Finished most of the assignments!
Had been busy with asses since last Friday.

One more to go!
*Cheers* =D

Curently owning an extra-ugly-zombie-face.
Puffy eyes & dark circles. Nasty pimples. Haggard look. Dull skin.
Zombie-fied! =D

..:: Yesterday ::..
2012 with the Schizos.
Conflict betul when buying the tickets. -,-
Anyway, it was nice.
I rate it 8/10.
Will never forget the "Engine, start" XD
I didn't like the ending though.
It's so........... fairytale-ish.
O yea.
Start saving 1 billion Euros or build a super chunted high-tech submarine
or just kill yourself now.

I'll just wait for my maker to take me away.
Schizo JoJo Joel's going to build his own 'sampan'. Feel free to join him.
[Not to mention Tsunami. Even a one-meter high wave can
flip his lil 'sampan' over
] =P


..:: Last Monday ::..
Was raining monkeys & donkeys all day long!
Umbrellas didn't help AT ALL!

We were all drenched and cold.

Was forced to attend classes. [Psych Psych *Cough cough*]

Was in a dilemma. To attend or not to attend.

Due to the pathetic, heavy downpour. And the asses. And the BITCH!
At last, I decided to attend WHICH I really, truly, deeply regretted!
Attending her class is already a WTF thing.
She had to make it worse by showing me her LC-ness.
"I said if you did not bring, DON'T attend my class, RIGHT?"
Stop with the 'angmoh' accent la! Anyone can do it but not YOU!
Carrying the Gucci bag only disgraces Gucci.


O. It means ass hole.

..:: Last Sunday::..
Dear's bro's 21st Birthday.
Partay partay at his house.

Cassidy Tan Ba-Bi & One-Eye Monster.

Hmmm. Didn't really do anything there.
Played FB. Played Spot The Difference with the-dude-who-
claimed-himself-the-most-leng-zai. *Puke*
Itu babi pula asyik hilangkan diri. Sibuk layan tetamu.
Then, mom came early. =(


..::Last Saturday::..
Erm. So-called partay at Aunt Li
n's house.
Food food food!
It's always the good food that brings us all to
gether. =P
I actually thought of doing my ass there but ended up playing with the kids.
[I know this sounds WRONG] =

Shen Yi, Kit Yan & I [Ignore the retarded look of mine]

Zombie & Yan

Yan & Retard

Yan & Fat Pig
She's so cute! Lol

I think my blog is a waste of space in the web.
And is blogging a waste of time?
Delete it?

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hey * look at me.
Think back and talk to me.
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I want to do?
Coz it hurts when you disapprove all along.
And now I try hard to make it.
I just want to make you proud.
I'm never going to be good enough for you.
I can't pretend that.
I'm alright.
And you can't change me.
I'm sorry. I can't be perfect.

I'm tired of being what you want me to be.

Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface.
I don't know what you're expecting of me.
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes.
Caught in the undertow.
Every step that I take is another mistake to you.
I've become so numb I can't feel you there.
Become so tired so much more aware.
I'm becoming this all I want to do.
Is be more like me and be less like you.
Can't you see that you're smothering me?
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control.
Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you.


I said I'm not going to be emo.
I said I'm going to be happy no matter what.
I said there will only be happy posts.
I said...........
And now.
I just can't.

What's wrong?! What's my offense this time?!
I just can't be the perfect person you want me to be.
Maybe the day I * is the day you'll truly feel *.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


What's wrong with Mozilla? I can't upload pics. Ish. =(

Anyway, had a yummy yummy dinner with mom yesterday.
Japanese food @ Kampachi, Pav.
Tokyo Bento! Mmmmmmm
Love the beef roll OMG!
Am so in love with BEEEF recently. =D
[Next, Kobe Beef!] =P
Thought of going to Angus Steakhouse. Unfortunately, it was closed. =(

Bought a nail polish too! My RED HOT CHILI RED! =D
Fortunately, it matches with the current one! Wee! =D
Don't have to buy OPI which is damn expensive!
Got the base & top coat as well for only 11 bucks.
Protect the nails.
*Tsk tsk*
Don't have to go for another pedi too!
Can do it by myself! =D
[Of course professionals produce MUCh better quality work]


I've decided. I want to be happy! <-- This sounds dumb
I want to be a happy happy person.
No matter what. I don't care about what others say anymore.
I won't let others affect me.
I live in my own world. My happy world.
I want to paint my life with all the happy colours!
O. Black is still one of my favourite colour though. =D
Smie and laugh. Attract all positive energy!

After a deep, long thought, I realised my life ain't that sucky.
I make it sucky. I make it worse.
Therefore, I'm going to fix it. =)
Add colours and happiness to my life.

My 2010 resolution is to be an optimistic person!

[I need time to change]
I admit that I didn't give myself a chance to change.

Ms Caren is right. Carl Roger's theory is right.
Why focus on the bad stuff?
When you focus more on the good stuff, the bad one tends to recede.
Isn't that great?
Happiness & laughter are contagious.

I always show my sour and emo face. I know. So bloody annoying.
I know that it's actually making the people around me suffer.
When I'm always unhappy, those around me won't be able to pull a smile.
[Those who really care about me, I mean]
Those who don't, God knows.
So.......... Why not?


Currently going GAGA!~~
Lady Gaga.
Gaga Gaga.
Omg. This proves it........
Assignments are driving me nuts!
Gee. Faced the monitor for hours & my wrist is aching now. =(

I have to finish everything by today. Latest tomorrow. Aiks.
One down, 2 more to go.
Having a hard time doing Sociology. No idea how to crap the examples.

But,,, nevermind. I can do it. Don't care if I have eye bags, dark circles or nasty pimples [which I already have], I must finish everything!
Counseling Test next Monday.
Plus, our timetable is packed.
Seriously PACKED! Like sardine in a can!
Monday 9-10, 10-12, 12-1.30, 2-4 & 4-5.30!
"At the end of the day" *cough cough*, we'll collapse & go ZZZ.
Wednesdays are supposed to be FREEE but we have replacement classes.
Lots of them. Ms Caren said she owes us 5 classes! Holy!
Wee!!!!! Fun!!

O! I want to add something!

How to be a self-actualized person
1. You have to have an 'angmoh' slang.
2. You must at least get a "MAsters".
*Say it with the 'angmoh' slang & emphasize on the A*
3. You have to as arrogant as possible.
4. You have to walk as if your feet weigh a tonne & make the
sound *tap tap tap* with your sandals/shoes/whatever.
5. You don't have to have good teaching skills. If someone asks
you to explain some terms/theory, just say "Check it our yourself!"
6. Pick on people & be as harsh as you can on them.

See! It's so easy to adopt the characteristics of a self-actualized person! =P
Okay okay. I'm just joking. This is just to tell you how baaaaaad my * lecturer is. Sarcastic right?
Lalala~ Don't care.
I'm proven to be sarcastic. We did a personality test during Psycho lesson & thanks to JoJo Joel & Kit, I'm a sarcastic person. They tick me 'rebellious' as well! =[
But I certainly am NOT sly!! -,-

Anyway, back to my assignments!
From now on, there will only be happy posts!
Ass Ass! I'm doing it happily! =D
See! My first step to becoming an optimist! =D *cheers*

Spread the joy! Spread the laughter! Spread the

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Los seres humanos son el mal

What's with people nowadays? Don't they have a slight sense of humanity? Mercy? Sympathy? People are just pure evil. Insensitive. Unthoughtful. They don't give a shit about how others feel.They don't give a shit if they hurt someone's feelings. What do they care about? Selfish. Self-centered.

Insult. Humiliate. That's what humans tend to do. That's their hobby. They feel great after they have belittled someone else. They insult to feel superior.

They think they're so great. As a matter of fact, .........................................
[Sadly, that includes close friends.]
Sometimes, I wish I didn't have to deal with humans. Why am I even a human? Dealing with animals seems like a MUCH better option. I'd rather be an ant even if I have to be killed, crushed, stepped or whatever shit. I don't care. Or I should be a pig! Life of a pig is all about eating, sleeping & getting slaughtered. It's far more blissful to be a human. Humans are the most evil creature on planet earth. There are too many of them. And earth should be destroyed. Fortunately, it's happening soon. Cruelty stops then.
[Seeing a human die is better than seeing an animal die.]

Those who rape or murder like Jack the Ripper & commit all brutal crimes....
Those physical crimes........... They don't hurt much. At least the victims are really dead & they don't have to feel the pain anymore. And the pain only occurs once. But words... Words used by people are the most savage, cruel, crude, unsympathetic, ruthless way of killing someone. Of course people won't be physically dead but those words..... They're like deadly knives that scrape your heart until one day, your heart feels so numb. You have to live with the pain and you can't just die. You only wish you were. You feel worthless. Belittled. Mentally ill. What will people say then? You're crazy. It's all your own fault. You think too much. But how much do they know? NONE.

And then you try to hint everyone. But what crosses their minds is, "It's just another complaint & emo moment of hers. Let it be" or "Aah, whatever. Bull shit". They even attack more! It's just so disappointing!
Can't you all just pretend that I'm invisible?! Oh yea. Of course not coz I'm too fat & obvious!

Yea. After all this bull shit that I have typed, one thing will cross your mind.
But do you even ACTUALLY know why I do this?!
If they hadn't started it, I wouldn't have adopted this behaviour.
Sometimes, an issue might not seem so important to someone but it IS to another.

To those who don't read my blog, that would be GREAT! I can say FUCK YOU!
Nah, to whoever.... You don't even know if I'm talking about you.

I didn't give a damn about what people say back then. But after years of accumulation, my level of patience & acceptance are up to its limit.
I want to learn to pick up those that I want to to hear & ignore insensitive words. Can I?
Can I just succumb without anyone knowing?Can I just be invisible?Can we just live without judging each other?
Can I go to a place where there are no humans?
Can they just stop saying those mean stuff to me?

Don't even bother asking me what the prob is.
Yea yea.It's all rubbish.Exaggeration.I'm psychotic.
Better yet, leave me alone.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Just finished my dinner with mom at Canton-i, Gardens.
Dim Sum Dim Sum!
The 'Siew Mai' ain't that nice compared to the van's. LOL

Piggy Bun!
Watched The Time Traveler's Wife. Nice!
Sad sad story but somehow unrealistic.
The angmoh beside me kept crying and crying and crying.
All I heard throughout the movie was *sobs, sobs , sobs*.
Crying man. Aww.
Okay whatever.

Visited the Grands.
Actually planned to go to Ikano coz mom wanted to get
her Gucci bags cleaned.
Ended up at Chili's, Bangsar instead due to the heavy traffic near Ikano.

Southwestern Grilled Lamb.
It was okay but I find Monte's Charbroil much better.

Fajitas Trio.
Beef, chicken, prawns and veges.
Comes with some sort of Mexican Pita Bread and dressings.

Roti Canai?! LOL

Cheddar Oldtimer
Aiyaaaaaa. McD's Quarter Pounder nicer laaaaaaaaa. MUCH cheaper still! -,-

Headed to Cold Storage after food. Don't know why my dad
loves to go there.
Yea. Better quality stuff. =D

Halloweeny Pumpkins! Cute! =D

Huh? You're looking at me?! Wanna fight?!

Like doh! Come laaa!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..::Tuesday::..
'Soul Tee' day.
Before entering Counseling class, we snapped some pics.
Well, Fishy forced us. -,-
'Give face' coz we were all wearing our 'Soul Tee'. LOL

JoJo, Devil K, Tyan Yap, Cutie Mun.
JoJo looks so GURLY!!!!!!!
The 3 Gurls 1 Guy gang lives on and passed on from
one generation to another!!

The L3s!
Sharon, Janice, JoJo, Fishy, Tyan Yap, Devil K, Hec,
Paul, JiaJia, Cutie Mun, Leon.

I this semester's Counseling classes!
Lots of practical!
First, we did a Counseling session on our own friend.
and I counseled each other.

We had to pick symbols that represent our family.
That particular lesson was kind of emotional.

Some cried. Some felt better. Some relieved. Some felt worse.

Well, I held back my tears and tried to control my emotions.

Didn't want to burst out crying and getting all emotional the whole day.

Then next was the Thematic Apperception Test [TAT].

A set black & white pictures were given to us.
We had to tell stories about the pics to our partners.

Good or bad stories? You decide. YOU give meaning to it.
All of them are people from the 18th-19th century.
Love those pictures.
Projects so many meanings. Different meanings.

And this week, we did the erm......
I don't know what that was.
But we had to make a box using the art block.

So, we were in the process of making the box.


Fishy & Leon. LOL

And then we had to cut out pictures and words from some old magazines & paste it on the outside & inside of the box.
What's outside represents the face/mask that we present to the world.
Or what we wish to be.

And what's inside?
You know what. The Shadow. X]

Mine's with the word
"FIGHT". Don't really know why I pasted that.

Foodie Foodie!


What did I paste on the inside of the box?
That's a secret that I'll never tell. XOXO.
LOL. Wtf. That's SO GG.
Wee!!!!! Going to get it from Sharon!

LOL! JiaJia's.
Pour some ashes into the box, shove in 3 joss sticks & you know what!

Next activity, Rorschach Inkblot Test [RIT].
Water colour! Can't wait! XD
It's like we all traveled back in time to our primary school ages. =)

JoJo drew this. -,-
Because of the FB quiz [How well do you know me].

One of the questions was like,

I secretly would like to be a ____ for a day.

He picked LION! -,-
After our Sociology lecture, when we were getting ready to dash back for a nice, relaxing bath & a good rest,,,,,, some of our seniors came in & told us that they're doing an experiment on the effects of frequent exposure to violent movies on the level of desensitization & emotional reactions.

Of course, we stayed back to watch it! =D
The title was 'Hostel'! DAN DAN DAN DAAAN!~
Aiyo, nothing scary at ALL.
Not about ghosts. This movie,
--> Sex, obscene scenes, nudity, tits, asses, stupidity, blood, body parts,
human trafficking, cruelty, heartless, hilarious, psychotic, suicide,
chop chop chop......
The words 'fuck' & 'fucking' are uncountable.
It was like "Fucking this, Fucking that!"
And also lots of "fucking" going on. Lol. You watch, you pay!

DAMN HEIGHTENED! You'll feel the euphoria when you watch it!

High betul. XD Oopssssssssss.
It's the parts where these maniacs kidnap people & chop them into pieces.
These NAKED HOT CHICKS in Slovakia lure these foreigners into it.

They get $$ for doing that! Even the choppers!
Wee!! I want to chop some fingers too!!!!

Btw, it has nothing to do with the hostel! I mean, there's something
connected but,
still it didn't really take place in the hostel. Lol.

What's most important is the FREE SNACKS!

TyanTyan, MinMin *shudders*, RenRen, HaoHao and SentSent.
Don't call me LiLi! -,-

SHOW TIME SHOW TIME!! =D Must watch! There's also Part II!

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