Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, July 31, 2008

FREAKING HOT.. The weather I meant.. -_-

My GOTH!!!!
..I hate the weather... stupid pathetic HEAT!! Go Away!! No one wants you here!!
..Same old boring Thursday.. Why is my LIFE so SUCKY!!!!!!!! URGH!!!!!!
..Today's weird.. Chee Fai Was possessed by a GHOST.. Named EDISON CHEN..
..He became a sex maniac.. haha~~ :P
..He bacame sooo active and kept talking and talking and kacau-ing... ~~
..Thought Kian Wee was noisy.. Thought Chee Fai could be the sound barrier..
..Chee Fai was worse.. -_-''
..Michy and I did something.. We commited a CRIME.. A serious one......
.....Not going to reveal it here.. :P
..Was DARN bored during Add Maths lesson.. So Mich and I played the 'Chinese Personality Quiz'..
..Everything is kind of true.. ~~seriously
..Almost fainted at Aun't house.. :P tooo HOT!!! *the weather
..Getting lazier each day..


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Emo Day... -_-

..Today's like the most BORING day ever..
..The subjects TOTALLY SUCKS!!!
..Bio almost killed me.. BM killed me...
..Emo Michy.. Emo me.. All EMO.. Just aihz...
..Before going to Chem Lab.. The "GUYS" were 'enjoying' some video..
..Some PORN video.. *cough cough
..Kind of disgusting AND weird though..
..Crazy insane people doing crazy stuff...
..Those guys in the video CUT their own COCK.. Used FIRE to BURN 'IT'..
..A guy even used a NAIL to nail his COCK.. One of them SLICED his own COCK..
..All the guys in class almost vomited I guess..
..They were like "OH!!!! Wai lor!! Yer!! Urgh!!!"
..Me.. Just.. No reaction.. --> -_-
..Then went to chem Lab.. Just hang around.. Chat Chat.. Read..
..Then.. WMR finished crapping and asked us to back to the class..
..It was 5 minutes before the bell rings.. And of course all of us would CHIAO..
..When we started walking away from the lab towards the emergency stairs...
..Wmr came out and bla bla.. We had to walk back to the main stairs.. Pretending to go up to class..
..Then we CHIAOED.. :P ~haha *tradition wei..

..Aihz..Freaking wheather.. Damn it!!! Hate the humidity.. CURSE CURSE!!
..Downloaded wallpapers for phone.. Nice*
..No mood..

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


..Aihz.. Didn't get to blog yesterday.. Thanks to my cousin sis.. She didn't go to work..
..Had a seminar before recess.. WHOA!! At first the speaker was like DAMN LC...
..He kept saying.. "Simpan buku yang lain!! Buku Matematik simpan!! Keluarkan kertas.."
..Ya da ya da..
..Then.. He talked NON-STOP for 2 hours..
..Surprising thing is.. I actually listened to the WHOLE thingy.. ~~cool
..Skipped PE exam.. :P Chat with Michy in the stadium..
..Continued chatting during Maths lesson..hehe~~
..Khairol also 'shake head'.. :P
..Went to Old Town for lunch.. Ate Lum Mee + Kaya Toast Bread + Half Boiled Egg + Honey
Lemon Juice.. *shared!! with mom..
..Dissapointed when reached aunt's shop.. Coz cous sis was in her room which meant I
can't go in.. Can't listen to songs.. Can't online.. =PATHETIC!!
..Tuition sucked bored!!

..During assembly.. Godzilla Faziatul WARNED us.. "Pengawas sila tahan pelajar lelaki yang
rambutnya panjang, yang melabihi setengah dahi.. Pelajar perempuan.. sesiapa yang melanggar
..O.O SHOOSH!! Cha dou!! Yesterday i clipped my hair, didn't check.. WHAT THE.. -_-
..Then she added "Gunting saya akan mula berjalan hari ini.." uuu.. SCARY~~ *whatever
..Mich and I will be in the class.. So no worries..
..But today.. Both of us decided to go to the canteen..too hungry..
..It's been a long time we didn't go to the canteen.. 2 months i guess..
..Haha.. Lucky us.. Gurls didn't 'kena'.. coz we're FAST.. :p
..Kian Wee the 'unlucky one'.. Got his hair cut.. *for free wei..*
..PoppinKaHo came in to our class.. thought of showing us some moves..
..All of a sudden.. History teacher came in.. *URGH!!
..But as soon as she got out of the class.. KaHo came in again~~
..Danced Danced.. *Good job for a begginer..*
..Yea.. Proud of my DAUGHTER.. *Bangga!!* :P
..During Moral lesson, Alison used a rubber band and 'dhan' my wrist..
..Pain man!! Swollen, red marks.. *thanks a lot Alison...
..Whoa!! almost fainted after school.. Damn HOT!!
..and biggest prob is -- my unc's car's air-cond >> SPOILT!!! Holy Craps~~
..Nothing to type.. Lazy..

Sunday, July 27, 2008


..OH MY GOTH!!! So embarrassing... I was eating fish for dinner at
some restaurant.. The fish was pretty 'stubborn' coz it's deep fried...
..I tried to use the spoon and fork to rip it apart..
..And HOLY CRAP!!! One part of the fish FLEW to the floor..
..I guess the 3 Indian ladies behind me saw what happened..
..I didn't even dare turn my head.. -_-"
..Aihz.. Just bored!! Went for walk.. Mom grumbled ~~again..
..Watched tv.. "Rocketman" and "Home Alone 2" again...
..Basically.. I did NOTHING today!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sleepy sleepy.. -_-Zzz

Yesterday (school)::..
..Took these two pics..
Need I say more????
Edwin raped.. By Kian wee..
(Mii.. You just enjoyed and didn't help call 999)
..Yesterday's tuition was damn funny..
..Almost everyone brought food..
..As if we're having a party..
..Yi Hui bought Rocky, Chia Ee bought 2 Rockys(choco).. Even Jason
bought 2 Rockys(choco and straw)..
..As for me.. I brought Gardenia Choco bread.. coz I knew I'd be
hungry.. :P
..Then I 'syoked'.. Went down and bought another box of Rocky
(straw).. hee..
..We ATE in front of Ms. Pakia.. ~~on purpose..
..During break.. Fat Hon and Jit Lun went down to buy snacks..
..Guess what.. Rocky again~~~
..Even Fiona's dad brought food for her..
..Teacher was like "Eh, you all having party ar today??"

Yi Hui's Rocky..


My bread..
During Bio::..
..Ms. Pakia gave us handouts..
..Just look at the pics.. You'll know what happened yesterday..
..Again thanks to Alvin Sim and The Gays..

Erm.. Looks like.. erm.. erm..

People people.. Don't think dirty..
..Just some extras..

..Woke up at 10.30 today.. Sleepy~~
..Ate breakfast and watched tv only.. Became a couch potato~~
..Didn't do much today..
..During lunch.. I made a 'drink'.. Mixed this.. Mixed that.. AND..
..It tastes like SHIT!!! YUCK.. Managed to 'swallow' half the cup..
..Then.. Can't stand the horrible taste... Poured it away..
..Watched Garfield.. hehe.. so kawaii~~
..Lazy o..

Friday, July 25, 2008

huh?? what??!!

Seriouly.. SWT!!
During assembly::..
..The prefect made announcement.. bla bla..
..Then.. He called names.. Diane, Kit Yeng, Jun Kit, Hui Jing... suddenly..
..The 43rd name which was the last name..
..'Wong Kai Li'...
..O.O I was like "Huh?? Did I do anything wrong?? What's that?? Why??"
..Those who were being called.. went to the Gallery Gemilang..
..Asked Sze, Hui Jing, Carmen, Kath what the heck that was..
..Everyone said "Don't know" ~~ish
..Sat down.. Saw Nafisah.. Saw 'another teacher'.. Couldn't recognize who it was ~at first..
..Then Sze said it is the 'Pengetua'.. OH CRAPS!! O.O
..Quickly hide my hair.. I mean those at the side.. :P
..The 'Pengetua' wanted to see us..
..It was for SPM actually..
.. "Pelajar Harapan" she said.. HUH??
..I was like "Me ar?? I don't belong to this group eh!! I got one A only wor!! I failed Add Maths
de wor!! Teacher.. you fever ar?? You see wrongly is it??"
..Haha.. Just imagine.. ME??.. Pelajar Harapan straight As SPM.. ~~PUI!!!!
..Ya Right!! Dream On!! That's all I can say.. :P ~~I mean 'seriously'
..But good o.. Can skip Physics and half Moral.. :P
..After that thingy.. Went back to class.. then Mich said Fairy was talking about hair..
..About those trendy hairstyles.. Fairy didn't like it.. bla bla.. ~whatever.. like I care!!
.. "Eh Fairy.. I know you want Tyra's hairstyle but you just can't have it.. So you're not 'song'
right.. Just accept the fact that you're a guy.. Don't be a sissy.. You're so gross!!"
..Opps.. I'm being mean again.. Sorry.. My bad.. :P
..During Bio lesson.. Teacher wasn't here.. yeay!! Joshua and Loga went out lepak-ing again~~
..Then Joshua stood outside of the class asking me whether there's teacher..
..I NODDED.. with a serious look..
..Mana tau.. He really believed me.. So He and Loga went to hide.. Here and there..
..HAHA!! I laughed and laughed when Joshua came in and FINALLY realized that there was
actually no teacher in the class..
..They scolded me.. hehe.. :P
..Stomach was GROWLING during EST.. actually it GROWLED long before EST.. hee~~
After school::..
..Went online as usual..
..Read a touching story.. ="O
..Goth.. Tears rolled down..
Before this.. I was living in a world of fantasy.. Dreaming.. Floating.. Didn't know where to go..
Didn't know what to do.. Felt so lost.. So helpless.. So hopeless.. Like I've lost everything.. Like I'd
been possessed by a ghost.. So 'not me'.. Even I didn't know who I was then.. Hadn't been able to
focus on my studies.. Staring blankly at 'nothing', always thinking.. My behaviour, attitude, character.. Totally changed.. I've changed.. My attitude sucked.. I realized.. but I couldn't help..
I need time to change.. To fix it.. Need someone to help..
Since now I have the strength, energy and determination to change things.. To regain my balance..
So don't ever dare ruin or try mess it up.. I swear you'll pay dearly.. ~~
Adieu!! Faker!! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Crazy pics... :P

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bor3d.. -_-

.. :P Yeay!! I skipped school today.. happy happy!!
(blame the boring seminar, teachers)
..I'm proud to say "I ponteng school!!" ~hee
..Went for 'walk-walk'..
..Mom did not go to work either.. If she can pon, so can I!!! ~hahaha
..She went to see the doc just to get mc.. ~s
..Bored.. Went online the whole day..
..Nothing much happened...wt
..Eat only.. hee..
..Going to Physics tuition later.. which sucks..

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Crazy Crazy..

Pics taken the other day...
Chee Fai says WHAT??

Ta Da!!!! erm.. Chill CF..

Just danyal

Dan the King!!

The Bored Factor

Kian Wee (monkey face)

The Class

Kian Wee and Jason Gay-ing


Xiao Mi

:D Reached school exactly the same time with Michy!! haha~~ sot sot
..During assembly.. the "headmistress" called the 'straight As students' to give their speeches..
..They were 'ya da-ing'.. bla bla..

..Quickly 'dush' down to the 'Discipline Room' to get Hui Jing's History book before Godzilla Faziatul sees us.. :P

After recess::..
..During History lesson.. Michy and I were chatting again~~ as usual
..Half an hour before class over--- Teacher told us that we have to hand in the book..
.. O.O Craps!! Haven't complete!! Michy and I wrote at train's speed.. ~~siao!!
..Moral lesson was stupid and funny!!
..Fairy came in.. as usual.. TheN......
..'They played' America's Next Top Model.. ~~swtright
..Actually Fairy started it first.. He announced who made the most progress using the 'ANTM way'..
..HEY FAIRY!! Who do you think you are?? Tyra??!! YUCK!!
..Then he(she) asked us to do answer questions.. bla bla..
..Then he(she) wrote this on the board~~


..Then Fairy said "Nak tukar pisang kepada pizza?? Setuju tak Rohen??"
..I shook my head.. He saw.. "Kylie tak setuju! Dia nak makan pisang..."
..Everyone laughed.. Jee Ken said "Kylie nak pisang.. tapi pisang yang lain!!" O.O
..I just looked away.. :P and Jee Ken continued crapping..

Monday, July 21, 2008

Damn you!!

..Shit man!! During assembly.. That bastard KIM KIM kept asking where my tie was..
..Then another moronic prefect kept telling me to clip my hair.. FINE..
..Then..she asked about my tie.. I was like SHUT THE FUCK UP!! ~of course I didn't shout that out
..What made things worse was.. Jun Chong wasn't here today and he's having my tie..
..Succesfully escaped without the tie.. :P
..The Form5ss had to go to Gallery Gemilang for a BM seminar (Teknik Menjawab).. -_-
..Before Mich and I sat down.. There came the bullshit PENGETUA..
..Shouting at us telling us to clip our hair.. *whatever
..Listened to the woman crapping.. Didn't actually listened to her.. *whatever~again
..Went for PE lesson.. for the FIRST time in Year 2008.. *is it??
..Did the 'naik bangku turun bangku' test.. ~~so lame
..Was chatting and chatting and chatting with Michy during History lesson.. :P (continue tomorrow)
..Finished Add Maths project.. *peace

After school::..
..Had lunch with mom at Kim Gary.. Ate French Toast + Spaghetti.. ~shared!!
..Then.. YEAY.. Finally I get to drink my FAVOURITE DARK MOCHA FRAPPUCINO from Starbucks!!
..Holy.. Damn expensive.. 14 bucks.. O.O
..But nevermind.. It's worth it!! ~~haha
..Mom bought the Bio-Essensce Gold whatever thingy.. 125 bucks.. O.O
..Bored.. Have to go for Add Maths tuiton which is the most boring tuition ever..
..Aihz.. Why don't you people just say you're not 'song'..


Sunday, July 20, 2008


Saturday, 19 July
..Pathetic day!! My laptop was attacked by virus and I can't even do my Add Maths project..
..Stupid comp!! Kept *re-starting* on its own.. Siao de!!
..I almost threw the whole on the floor.. :P
..Cheap-sket old laptop.. ~~chill
..Went out to dinner.. Ate fish.. :D (tenangkan diri)

..Woke up early in the morning..
..Had to go Aunt's shop to finish print the stuff..
..Was scolded TERRIBLY by mom.. -_-
..Then.. Danny said the printer is out of ink.. -_-''
..Ended up in the 'CC' opposite Aunt's shop..
..My told me not to stay in there too long.. but.. haha.. (you know me)
..Damn cold in here..

..Then Left came in and disturb disturb..
..Took my phone, disturbed my friendster, disturbed my MSN..
..but helped me edit the project.. BUT
..Deleted one of the graphs.. URGH~~ -_-
..Opened Hippo's friendster.. Purposely remind Danny of his EX-GURLFRIEND..haha~ I'm MEAN!!
..Let Left see.. All 'ta' said was "WA!!!! Danny!!"
..One of Hippo's pic was half-covered.. Then 'ta' said "This one nice ma.. Cover half the face.." :P
..Then Left let the cc's boss see..
..I created a havoc.. :Pops~~ my bad
..Add Maths project gave me major headache.. different people send different stuff.. ~~swt

..and the whole cc-- guys.. only one gurl.. a..nd that's me.. -_-''
..Printed everything.. Except the 'Front page'.. coz I need to out for lunch with Aunt..
..Ate 1 slice of PIZZA + 1 bowl of mushroom soup + 1 chicken wing + 1 breadstick... *BURP
..My Goth!! We saw a gurl.. and her dressing was horrible
..Short pants with lace + Knee socks with lace + Normal tee + a grandma fan
..Everyone was like "WA!!!!" "Good heart lor!!" "WA!! Pig o!!"(my Aunt) "Yer.. Her tighs so fat!!"
..I was just laughing.. :P *mean
..I mean COME ON.. If you want to dress like Lolita Style.. Go FULL Lolita..
..Then I have nothing to say.. *cough cough
..Back at the cc again to finish it.. yeay.. and DONE!! :P

..Didn't want to go back to Aunt's shop so hanged out at cc..
..Editing this editng that..
..Whoa!! Everyone 'da gei' only..
..And those guys sitting beside me.. was shouting "Chao hai!!" "Sei so hai!!" "Ma hai!!" "Diu!!" "Hum chat la!!"
..Then.. went home..


Friday, July 18, 2008

Unexpected.. O.O

Holy Faeces!!
..During assembly.. Teacher informed us that there will be a 'Discipline Forum' which means.......
..There will also be a spotcheck... and I was like --> O.O
..Goth!! During the forum.. Faezah took Mun Tou's bag and found his CD and cellphone..
..We were like "SHIT!!" but anyway, it's not mine.. so.. no worriessss... :P
..Listened o the teachers 'ya da-ing' in front..
..Mich and I was grumbling.. "Faster spot la!!" "Spot me first!!" ~~sweat much
After recess::..
..Gurls from From 1 to 5 had to go to the Auditorium..
..To listen to some hygiene thingy.. PADS..
..Teachers want to install some kind of 'Sanitary Bin' in the gurls' loo AND....
..She asked us whether we need the bin.. AND..
..She wants all of us to 'contribute a little'... Everyone said "Tak Perlu!!" :P
After school::..
..Hanged out at Aunt's shop for awhile.. Was eating some kind of 'fruit'...
..Was so bored...
..Then.. After lunch.. My cousin a.k.a. Danny asked me whether I want to go 'long gai'..
..And I immediately agreed.. (effect of extreme boredom) :P
..Waited for him to take his shower.. then we chiao-ed..
..Went to buy 'oil'.. Then picked up ONE OF HIS GURLFRIENDS at Leisure.. haha :p
..He was crapping and crapping and crapping in the car..
..Both of us were scolding and teasing those stupid retarded drivers along the way.. :P
(as if we're pros)
..Returned 'shop' SAFELY.. THANK GOD!!
..Just online.. and did nothing..
..Yeay!! I can sleep late tomorrow!!
..Sorry..syok sendiri..

..Tuition was fun!! Not the 'study part'...
..We laughed and laughed 'till our heads nearly dropped..
..Thanks to Alvin Sim, Fatt Hon the Fish, Newbie Jit Lun and Ryan the Skinny and Tall..
..I think when we enter Chapter 4 Bio.. (Reproduction)...
..Just imagine.. == DISASTER!!

~Signing off~

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bored!!!!! -_-

..Reached school later than usual.. and Mich was already there..
..Grabbed her bag.. ~~hee startled, Mi??
..Finished up Maths homework.. Don't want to be punished by Khairol ~~again..
..The BM O.L. was freaking RICE!! Almost fell asleep..
..Suffered for one WHOLE period.. Then.. weird..
..O.L. saw our sleepy looks and she said "Tidur la.. Semua orang mesti tidur!!"
..Siao.. Then all of us immediately drop our heads on the table.. :P
..The 'guys' played cards.. (UNO) -_-
..Another pathetic and boring day.. Nothing much happenend.. as usual..
..So.. Just chiaoz..
~Signing 0ff~

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just aihz..... -_-

..PATHETIC!! Khairol punished us for not finishing Maths homework.. :P
..I didn't bring the text and exercise book..
..He made us stand in front of the class.. (sweat much)
..Bio sucked.. Don't even know what the "DR" was crapping..
After recess::..
..Yeay!! The Old Lady wasn't here..
..Went to the library..
..Sat far away from the teacher.. :P
..Mich and I sat like we were on the beach..
..Then passed by 5A.. Wen Fu asked me to go in..
..When I reached his place.. He said "Nothing" -_-'' Urgh..
..Then Sze came in and told me "He has testis cancer.."
..I replied.. "Eh, wait wait wait!! He has testis??" :P
..Went to Chem lab.. Darn smelly!!
..Did the ester thingy.. YUCK!!
..Mich, CF, Jason, Nat and I were chatting only.. Didn't bother what WMR was crapping..
After school::..
..Bored.. Found some nice themes for my phone..
..Downloaded cbox..
..Nothing much.. Boring life.. aihz..

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Yesterday was boring!! Add Maths tuition was worse..

The Class (Mr.Ooi.. have some mercy!! The students are about to sleep.. Me too :P)

The Boring Class of Add Maths (It's Jin Mun.. and Ryan... Damn tall)

Extremely bored!! Wrote crap under the desk..

Another piece of crap.. (Carmen's slipper.. :P)

Konon-nya doing Add Maths..

Ai Sing and Carmen (so hardworking)

WHOA!!! I was freaking bored today.. Mich was absent coz she had to go for her piano exam.. ..Everyone was like "Eh, Michelle le??" "Eh, Michelle mou lei ar??"...

.I've been repeating "Piano exam" for like a MILLION times..

..As for me.. I was sitting in class the whole day doing basically NOTHING!!

..English sucked.. teacher gave us an essay test..O.O

..I wrote only 3 paragraphs.. pathetic.. and the problem is.. I have not even entered the topic which was "The Tragic Accident"..
..Kian Wee, Joshua and Debaan was sitting next to me and infront of me.. Crapping and talking..
..Stealing biscuits from me..
..Then.. time's up!! My 4th and last paragraph was~~

Suddenly the gas exploded. Everyone died.

..OH MY GOTH!!! That was the WORST ending I've ever written.. (thanks to Jason)
..He suggested this ending.. -_-''
..Listened to songs only for the whole ADD MATHS class..

After recess::..
..Suffered 4 periods without teacher..
..Listened to songs.. 'Empty', 'Jenny'.. again and again and again.. (Kian Wee's fault)
..I shouted "bored' and 'sien' the whole day..
..Took some of the guys' pics.. CANDID!!
..Lazy to type..

Sunday, July 13, 2008

H3adach3... >.<

Aihz.. Followed mom to the International Beauty Expo at the
KL Convention Centre..
..Had 'tuna sandwich' for breakfast.. It was DELICIOUS!!
..Craving for more.. :P
At the Beauty Expo::..
..There were hundreds of peeps.. Crowded~~
..The 'SenseandStyle' were having some kind of a make up
competition..and... those gurls were HORRIBLE!! ~~seriously
..They wore costumes which were FAR more worse than those
..One of them wore 'PAPER' I guess.. -_-''
..Kind of bored.. Helped mom give out some catalogues...
..Then walked to KLCC.. alone.. ALL alone..
..Walked around.. DARN BORED.. was like a ZOMBIE
..Went to Kinokuniya.. sucked coz all the books and mags were
wrapped up.. Which made things A LOT worse..
..Lucky some of them were opened.. or shall I say 'destroyed'??..
..I was so hungry until my hands and legs were shaking~~literally
..Had lunch with mom at Dome.. Carbonara Seafood..
..Walked back to the centre.. Waited for dad to come pick me up..
..So tired.. Tired of typing.. :P


Saturday, July 12, 2008

My 3y3s ar3 p0pping 0u+

Confessions of a Broken Heart
..I didn't care.. I just said whatever I wanted to say..
..Thought it would end.. but it didn't..
..I was confused.. just want to know the truth..
..Just want to know whether you're for real..

..Got a shock when I woke up..
..No one at home but me.. O.O
..Forgotten that my pareants had gone to work..
..It was 10.30... :P
..Had breakfast.. watched tv.. nothing much..
..Went online to search for blogskins ~~again..
..I know.. pathetic..
..Found some nice one but... aihz..
..Don't even want to type about it..
..Been infront of the laptop for hours..
..My wrist is going to break, my eyes are going to pop out..
..Dad was back early.. disturbing me jer.. :P
..Lazy to type..
..Waiting for mom to come home and take me out to dinner..


Friday, July 11, 2008

I used to go against EMO.. but now....

IDIOT.. you made me like this.. WHY ME??
I was happy yesterday until you messaged me.. Ruined my mood..
Sick of your PATHETIC LIES!!
I kept my cool.. *Love the way i torture you*

..Was scolded by my mom EARLY IN THE MORNING..
..Quarelled with her a little.. (whatever)
..I know.. I'm an orphan.. I've finally known the truth..
..My 'mom' picked me up from the dumpster..
..My mom hates me.. My dad doesn't care for me.. Everything is against me..
..The WORLD is against me.. Feel so left out.. ALONE..

..Nothing much happened..
..Physics,Moral and BM was BORING ~~as usual..
..Chatted with Michy.. Talked about trips and vacas...
..THEN a stupid retarded teacher came into our..
..After greeting her.. The HORROR starts..
..She scolded us.. "Cakap jer!! Ini pelajar Form 5??!!"
..Everyone just looked at her.. not 'song'.. duh
..She continued her yapping "Kenapa ada tempat kosong?? Siapa duduk??!!"
..Kian Wee was like "tak ada orang duduk.."
..The bitch.. "Tak boleh ada tempat kosong semasa belajar!!"
..We were like "what the??!!!"
..She : Selain daripada manusia dalam dunia ini, ada makhluk asing (a.k.a.
hantu and pontianak and toyol and iblis and whatever shit she meant)
..She : Inikah sekolah bestari??!! Sepatutnya kalau tiada cikgu dalam kelas..
kamu belajar..
..Mich and I were cursing her.. $&%#$^#$@
..The bitchiest bitch we've ever seen..

After school::..
..Saw Left.. don't give a damn..
..Quickly took my bath and had my lunch..
..Busy finding blogskins... FINALLY..
..Found one which I like.. :P

A poem to end my PATHETIC DAY....
Then I was your only
Now I'm one of many
I feel so lonely and empty
You put me through this pain
Now I give up.. I quit playing this game
This game of pain
I can't handle this strain
Tired of playing
Tired of guessing
Tired of thinking
I'm fading
Hell.. I'm coming

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