Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Merdeka?? So what..

Sunday, 31 August
..Merdeka?? Today?? -_-??
..Totally forgotten about that until 'someone' reminded me..
..I mean.. SO WHAT??!!
..Obviously.. I'm not a patriotic person.. In fact, I **** Malaysia!!
..All I know is.. Today's my dad's Burpday!!! =P
..Bought a cake for him.. *70 bucks wei.. -_-!! +3.5 service charge

Watched Finding Nemo!! =P
Daddy's New York Cheese Cake
from Secret Recipi

Aiyo.. Daddy emo-ing -_-"

SLICED!! Happi3 BurPDay daDDi3!!!
..Doesn't look like a birthday cake??
..Something's missing??
..Yup.. The wordings and the candles..
..The waitress asked us whether we want the wordings..
..Dad and I : NO!!
..Me : Nah.. It'll ruin the cake..
..Dad : Ya la.. Yii.. Those cream sweet sweet.. Not nice..
The cake melted..
Sticked onto the "konon-nye" knife


Double YUM!!

Tsk-tsk.. Lazy to get another fork..

Saturday, August 30, 2008


..Pathetic day!!! Horrible!!!
..Skipped school.. =P That's one good thing...
..Went for lunch at.. erm... (God knows where..) *FISH!!!
..TS-ed.... At first.. It was fun walking around...
..Then.. HORROR!!
..ME.. The 'smart'.. Wore heels.. My feet was in extreme pain..
..The skin even came off... -_-"
..Regret.. regret..
..Then... I started to feel sick.. Headache (more like migrain), sore throat, body aching, dizzy..
..Couldn't stand the suffering so I asked mom to go.. (so not me) -_-
..When I reached Aunt's shop.. I felt much better..
..But during Chem tuition... Aihz... Whatever sickness came rushing back..
..So 'had' to skip Bio tuition.. =P
..I was like a zombie walking around in the house..
..My fever.. 38.2 degree celcius.. Not very high but.. still.. Aihz..

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My First Green Slip.. -_-

Thursday, 28 August
..Lazy to blog d......
..And the posts are boring...
..Because there are no pictures (Xuanie said) =P

..Craps!!!!!!!! I got a green slip!!!! URGH!!!
..Stupid teacher!! Hate you!!
..The reason I got it is because I didn't clip my hair.. -_-
..'I hate you!! And I hate you even more now!!"
.."People" said if we get a green slip, we won't get testimonial or scholarship or whatever crap..
..Curse you bitch!!!!

..(27/8) Whoa!! Didn't expect that..
..But I'm happie!! =P

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Zzz... SleePieee....

..Nothing much to blog.. BORing!!

You call this "Extra Class"??

..These were the people who attented last Monday's

"History Extra Class".. -_-

..They got fed up waiting for Aminah and started palying

badminton.. (Kian Wee, Chiu, Wei Lun and Yun Song)


..Goth!! Seriously.. It's SOOO freaking bored!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


..Had to wake up early even though there was no seminar.. -_-
..Accompanied mom to see the dentist..
..Had lunch.. AWESOME LUNCH!!!! We ate vege and FISH!!!!
..I ate 3/4 of the fish.. AWESOMELY DELICIOUS!!! *craving for more =P
..All of a sudden, my 'auntie' came.. -_- *potong stim (that's what people used to say..)
..Went to Pavillion.. Man.. It's huge.. Well, this was the second visit to Pav.. -_-"
..There's no use going there.. "Can see cannot buy"
..But I managed to buy a 'dress'?? From Zara which cost about 170 bucks..
..Watched Rogue.. Craps.. the Croc is sooo CUTE!!! It's not very big actually..
..Kind of funny when the Croc ate those people.. I just laughed.. =P
..But one part really pissed me off..
...This group of tourists were stranded on a mini island because their boat was attacked by the
crocy and they have to get across the water to the river bank..
...In order to do so, they need to keep the Crocy busy with a 'bait'..
...Unfortunately, they don't have one.. What's left on the island was humans and a dog..
...So a woman insisted on using the dog as the bait.. -_-!!!
..I mean "WTH!!! What's wrong with you woman??!!!! Mindless moronic freak!!!"
..Chill.. At last they didn't.. They found something else..
..Okay.. Cut the crap..
..Tuition was FREAKISHLY FUN!!!! We laughed throughout the class... *literally
..I had to sit under the A.C and it was at full blast!!
..Shivering....... -_-"

..Woke up early ~~AGAIN!!
..Went for replacement class..
..Craps.. Before bed--> Ms. Pakia After bed--> Her face again... -_-"
..Tired.. Thanks to my 'auntie'
..=P We watched 'videos' today.. NOT PORN..
..One of the video was DARN funny..
..It was supposed to be the process of how the sperm travel from
the balls to the penis.. and it's supposed to 'stand' 180 degrees..
..Then Ms. Pakia pressed the button too many times.. Guess what..
..The penis went up and down up and down..
..All of us almost laughed our heads off.. xP
..Another video was about C-section..
..The Doc 'sliced' the women's stomach layer by layer.. It's COOL!!
..The last video was 'the normal delivery'..
..The Doc cut the women's vagina and pulled the baby out..
..Blood oozed out like nobody's bussiness!!!
..~~~~ O.O Urgh!! "I feel the pain!!"
..Man.. "I don't want no baby!!"
..O!! "Mom.. You're the greatest!!!!
Promise I'll never let you down anymore!!"
..Sorry... I know.. I suck.. I'm not good enough..
..I don't know what's wrong with me..
..Partly because of my 'auntie'..
..But I know.. That's not an alibi..
..Okay.. Here's a new rule I'm going to set for myself..
..I'm not going to be 'emo' anymore..
..No matter what happens, I'm just going to laugh it off..
..Even if the world is against me..
..Even if the world's unluckiest thing happened on me..
..Even if ... Whatever it is!!
..I'm just going to smile.. =)
..No more sad face.. No more --> =(
..Smile!!! =)
*I'm not crazy

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happi3 haPpi3 =P

..Had to wake up early.. Had Chem seminar -_-Zzz
..Ms. Pakia didn't want to shout.. but we made her shout like crazie.. :P
..She said we were 'passive'.. So we had to be more 'active'..
.."Hey teach.. You asked for it.." XP
..Had lunch with the gurls.. Then went back to Aunt's shop..
..Online.. ~~what else??!!
..Then~~~~~ THE BEST PART.. =P
..Budak came.. We went to the playground..
..He raided my phone.. So I raided his wallet.. Man.. A guy's wallet is always in a mess.. =P
..but.. I was kind of weird though.. (he said) ~~I agree.. you know what I mean Sorry... =(
..Anyway, we couldn't hang out for long due to the stupid weather!! -_-!!
..Rained.. So he left.. =(
..Asked me to follow but.. of course I couldn't.. Freedom --> 1% =(
..But we met again..
..Tuition.. Was boring.. The lesson I meant..
..Swt~~~~ During 'take 5'.. We went in to an empty class.. Chat......
..Then came out.. The auntie saw us.. *don't think 'y'
................................................................................................................................. ..I love what happened yesterday.......
Enjoyed every moment.. (in my heart)
*I'm changing.. (attitude I mean -_-")

..I'm totally EXHAUSTED today.. -_-Zzz
..Had Bio seminar early in the morning..
..Was better than yesterday though.. We responded.. =P
..As usual.. Ms. Pakia shouted like mad..
..She even said the wrong stuff due to her tiredness.. x_x
..Haha.. She asked us a question.. and we didn't know the answer
..So she said "You all ar.. Really didn't read anything ar.."
..I said "DUH!!!" =P
..Lucky she didn't hear it.. Only those who sat near me heard it..
.. xP
..Had lunch with the gurls again..
..Attended History seminar.. Loga the Loganator conducted it O.O
..In case you didn't know.. Mr.Loga is a former discipline teacher
and a history teacher in SBS..
..Hee.. Actually he's kind of good.. Still remembers who I am..
..Erm duh!! Caught by him SOOOO many times.. =P
..His "Hey gurl!!!" still freaks me out.. ~~seriously -_-"
..Anyway.. Whoa!! I ate so much today.. ish ish..
..Chee cheong fun+bread+milo (breakfast)
..fried noodle+100 plus(lunch)
..Cappucino chiffon cake(1piece)+Rocky(tea) =P
..Vege+fish+fish(from mom's dinner)(dinner)
..Yeay!! Lunch and movie with mom tomorrow!! =P

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Spirit-less -_-

..Gee.. Don't know what's wrong with me today..
..Just felt so spirit-less.. Didn't feel like doing anything..
..Had an unpleasant dream yesterday.. =(
..Skipped 'History Extra Class' ~~DUH!!
..Finished up some homework...
..Washed the master bedroom's bathroom -_-"
..Tiring.. Coz it's big.. Well, not really "big" but I'm sure it's bigger than other usual bathrooms.. ..Had to scrub every single freaking tile..
..Even the spaces between the tiles.. (using a toothbrush) -_-"
..My spine's about to break.. And my hands are shaking now..
..I know.. I'm pathetic..
..Tuition.. -_-

Monday, August 18, 2008

Just aihz...

Monday, 18 August (something's wrong with this date thingy)
..Finally get to buy the dinner and bride's maid dress after dragging for weeks..
..Think mom's going to be paranoid on the 'tea ceremony' day.. And also during the dinner..
..She thinks the dresses are 'seng gam'
..Afraid that guys will look.. ~swt
.."Eh, nobody will look at me and I have nothing for them to see la!!"
..swt swt.. For me.. I think it's .. 'normal'.. seriously..
..Been walking and walking for hours.. Taking off and putting on clothes.. SO TIRED!!
..Man.. Sunway is BIG.. I can actually get myself lost in there..
..Went there with mom, cousin sis and her bf..
..After that... Went to Sungei Wang with mom.. Bombarded by her AGAIN.. because I 'showed face'
..Had dinner at Milwaukee's..
..Ate Spaghetti Carbonara+mashed potato+coleslaw+mushroom soup+watermelon juice *yum!!
..We shared of course..
..Watched BADMINTON.. Lee Chong Wei vs. Lin Dan.. ..Aihz.. Pathetic man LCW.. Just kiss the Gold medal, title of Datuk and 1 MILLION bucks GOODBYE!!
..Goth!! Lin Dan defeated LCW just like that.. Sad..

..SHOOT!!! Have to go to school for 'History Extra Class'.. -_-"
..3 classes were expected to show up.. but of course.. Who would want to go??
..We.. "hardworking".. :P *bluek
..Joshua, Loga, Danyal and Bryan came.. UNEXPECTED..
..Then they ran away.. EXPECTED.. :P
..Aminah was LATE.. Class was supposed to start at 8.15 a.m. but she came at 9 -_-"
..Natalie couldn't wait anymore so she went home.. ~swt much
..I just want to say that "I'M NOT GOING TOMORROW!!!!"
..Sorry teacher.. Just had to ditch your class..

..Went to Aunt's shop..
..Slept.. Had nightmare.. I dreamt I went to somewhere really disgusting..
..Lucky 'you' messaged.. The message tone woke me up.. Saved me from the 'horror'
..Online.. online..
..Tuition.. tuition -_-

Friday, August 15, 2008

Bad Day over but... -_-??

Friday, 15 August
Erm... Bad Day's gone.. but..
..Just Aihz..
..Skipped school today.. ~~haha!!
..Should have gone out with mom.. It's better than rotting
'here' which is my 'hom3-sweet-hom3' *ironic isn't it??
..Woke up late again~~
..Had breakfast.. Weird coz I had gastric right after breakfast.. -_-"
..Pain.. Pain~~
..Actually there is.. Olympics..
..Russia beat Algeria in Volleyball.. Winning 3 sets in a row..
..Badminton.. China vs. China -_-"
..Who cares.. China's still going to win right??
..After the pain.. I was a little hungry :P
..So ate some biscuits.. Guess what.. Pain again~~ -_-"
..Erm.. Does this mean I can't eat anything?? NO WAY!!
..O ya!!
..The earring which I couldn't open yesterday has finally budge..
..I had to use tools as in pliers to open it..
..Lucky it didn't break.. At least my 20 bucks is worth it..
..Aihz.. Chem and Bio tuition.. It's okay.. Just laugh!!

Here's a new trend.. Called 'Push Pocket'
(an article from I-don't-know-where)
A few days ago a new type of crime has surfaced in town. It goes something like this:- Somebody slips a hand-phone into your pocket, sometimes it could be just a wallet with an identity card and a few bucks. A few minutes later, the 'owner' comes up and confronts you, the 'thief '. He makes a big commotion that you stole his stuff. You, caught unaware, are then pulled aside by the 'owner' for a settlement you are intimidated and threatened that if you do not pay up, the police will be brought in. If you pay up, this 'owner' lets you go. If not, the police are brought in. Another strange thing is that, there always seems to be a 'witness' to the your 'theft'. I am told this often happens to foreigners at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) or even at LRT trains. Given that you're 'guilty until proven innocent' as far as the Malaysian police are concerned, I understand some poor people are in jail for these 'offences'. At the KLIA, the 'owner' throws his hand-phone and wallet with the few Ringgit notes into the luggage trolley of a just arrived passenger. The drama unfolds a few minutes later. The real culprit has easily convinced our Malaysian police to arrest the real victim (if he has not paid up the 'settlement' demand). This is a very serious matter. This is another form of extortionists operating in broad daylight. They are disgusting criminals who will do anything to rob and steal. The sickening part of the whole scenario is that unless you pay the 'quoted settlement' money, they will put you in real trouble by calling the police. The real culprit gets back his hand-phone and wallet but the real victim (i.e. could be any one of us) is thrown into the police lock up and charged in court. So do be very careful, otherwise you may end up as a 'thief' as you have no way to prove your innocence.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Unluckiest Day ever!!!!

Thursday, 14 Aug
Urgh!!! Today is like the UNLUCKIEST day ever!!!!!
..Had a nose bleed EARLY in the MORNING!!
..Pathetic.. Blood just came flying out like the waterfall.. *a little exaggerating
..But really...
..Had Bio seminar which was FREAKISHLY BORING!! Old Lady crapped..
..Went up to class.. Check my purse.. O.O
..70 bucks GONE!! I was like "What the!!!!"
..Then.. Didn't bring my Physics homework...
..Had another nose bleed.. ~~swt
..Rushed down to TS.. Waited for the bus for soo long..
..Then rushed to Kim Gallery.. Cut hair.. Looked kind of 'noob'..
..Rushed to Gasoline.. Ate like 'train'..
..Rushed out.. Saw an earring.. Bought it..
..Rushed to monorail.. Was raining..Pathetic.. Then rushed to Hang Tuah LRT station..
..Reached Maluri.. Rushed to Jusco..
..Asked Uncle to wait for me at 4.30..
..But it was already 5.. Craps.. Scolded by mom.. Crappy..
..Another pathetic thing was.. The earring that I bought.. I can't open it.. Stupid screw!!
..20 bucks wei!! And 40 something from the previous earrings that I've lost.. SHIT!!
..Ask that stupid Danny to help open it.. Just know how to tease and insult.. WTF!!!
..Then that MORON messaged me and CRAPPED SHIT!!!! I was like WHATEVER!!! F.O!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

NS Day.. -_-"

..First thing I heard when I reached school was about NS.. ~~swt much
..Bee, Chris, Eunice, Michy, Yean, Sze, Kai Yun, Sean, Aaron, Ming Ern, Jason, Jee Ken, Panda, Nolf,
zEwEi and many many many more ... 'KENA'...
..Me... haha.. Maaf!! Tidak terpilih menyertai PLKN Siri 6/2009.. :P
..But still not 100% confirm.. So don't be so happy first.. :P
..Weird.. Those i thought will 'kena', 'tak kena'.. Those I thought 'tak kena, 'kena'..
..Aihz..Pathetic.. NS is just.... SAD...
UPSR Essay 2005 ~~ Damn nice (I salute you)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just another Tuesday..

..Assembly as usual.. which was BORING!!!!!
..Ms. Hema was absent once again.. YEAY!!
..I don't even know what I did today..
..During Add Maths lesson.. Phew!! I put my * under the desk.. It was kind of obvious..
..coz it was really out.. Rafhan was right beside me.. Well not exactly beside.. South-west..
..When she walked away.. Then i realized that my * was there.. O.O
..Think she did not see it.. Hopefully.. :P
..Had maths seminar after recess.. Not exectly boring but........
..Something funny.. Calculators kept falling.. 9 times to be exact..
..First Yeannie dropped it twice.. Then Forest.. Then Sze.. Then Natalie and who?? Then HJ..
..Lastly... Mine... Ish..

After School::..
..GOTH!!!! The smell of PAINT in my cousin's room is killing me..
..And of ALL colours they picked GREEN.. -_-''
..But the room was MUCH MUCH better.. Before this.. It was as if someone trashed their room..
..And now.. It's time for me to do my homework.. -_-''


Monday, August 11, 2008


..I just didn't like today... Feel so... Urgh.. I don't know..
..First school sucked.. Class was even suckier..
..I think some ghost must be playing with the fius..
..Electricity just come and go..
..Our class nearly turned into a disco..
..Lights on and off.. On and off.. My eyes were spinning.. Headache..
..Tuition was sucky as usual..
..Everything didn't go the way I wanted..
..Just don't know what to say.. I'M SPEECHLESS!!!!!!!
I don't know what had happened.. You just stopped all of a sudden..
I'm afraid.. Afraid that something had occured.. =l

Sunday, August 10, 2008


..Hmm.. Well.. Guess I feel much better today after I received the
'bad news'...
..Woke up really late.. Had breakfast or was it lunch?? Gee.. I don't
know.. -_-??
Thanks for the advices and I've thought about it.. You're right..
I'll never give up.. I'm not a quitter.. I'll try.. No matter how difficult it is..
Nothing can stop me.. No pessimist can influence me..

~Do not quit for you're not a failure unless you fail to try~
*A very meaningful quote I found sticking on my refrigerator..

Saturday, August 9, 2008


..School's BORING!!!!
..Went to Gleneagles to change rubber..
..Waited for mom for one WHOLE FREAKING HOUR..
..Slept at the basin.. -_-"
..Tuition was AWESOMELY FUNNY!!!!
..Alvin Sim and the Gays were so 'pian tai'...
..They crapped and crapped about the penis and vajayjay and sex..
..We laughed like crazy for the whole Bio lesson..
..OOoo.. And Ms Pakia even brought her BF.. All of us just LOVE to
make fun of her!! haha~~ *PAYBACK!!

Ms Pakia's "beautiful" drawing of the Uterus


..Had to attend school.. ISH!!

..I walked into the school lookin' like a ZOMBIE..

..Went into class, sat down and stared at BLANK AIR the whole

morning.... Was half asleep actually..

..Michy asked me stuff and talked to me.. All I gave her was this look

---> -_-

..Then.. All of a sudden.. blackout.. Was watching the Olympic

weightlifting thingy.. then.. blackout again.. For almost like 4-5


..But unbelievable.. Those who were expected not to show up today..

..Bounced out.. Like me, Michy, Panda, Alvin, Sean, Lychee and

some other guys..

..Just 'bad bad news'... =''(

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Just Haha... -_-''

..Michy was late.. Scared me.. Thought I was going to be lonely ~~again...
..Both of us chat and chat during Chem.. Didn't care about WMR.. :P
..Was a little annoyed with the "Why so serious??" thingy..
..The guys are saying it EVERY SINGLE FREAKING DAY... -_-''
..Fed up!!
..Jee Ken's a SLAVE!! haha!! *Upload photos later

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


..Early in the MORNING!!
..A bloody retarded moronic bitch ass pissed me off...
..During assembly.. That bitch prefect came to me and said "Can you please clip your hair??"
..Of course.. I didn't even look at her.. Then she asked Michy to do the same thing..
..I was about to take the clip and that bitch.. "Please clip.. Do you have a clip?"
..I wanted to shout SHUT UP!! Then She said "Err.. You're not allowed to wear that earring( stick-
stupid.. Can't even differentiate stick and earring...)" "Please take it out now.."
..I just ignored her and talk to Michy.. but I did what she told me to.. ~~
..And then that bitch said "Excuse me.. Do you mind.. I'm talking to you.."
..Me : SO!!!!
..Bitch : I'm talking to you.. and please take out the...."
..Me : I'm doing la!! I can't do so many things at one time okay!!!!!"
..Bitch : Then please do it faster..
..Me : SO!! It's my wish!!!
..Bitch : No, it's not...
..Me : Yes, it is!! I'm a slow person and I like to do it slowly!!!
..That moron just looked at me.. while I did it SLOWLY...
..Then the bitch just walked away...
..Man!! I wanted to shout at her face F*** OFF BLOODY BITCH!!!
..Calmed down during English lesson.. Danyal was so funny.. Teacher asked him to explain about
Chapter 1 The Pearl...
..Suppose it only take 5 minutes.. But he took HOURS to explain.. We.. Just laughed..
..Then another BITCH annoyed me.. Annoyed us!!
..The Stupid Bitch Teacher came in to our class.. Man.. She's such a moron..
..Aihz.. I don't want to write anything about her.. BITCH!!
..Craps.. Scared me.. Jason and the guys suddenly told us that there will be spotcheck..
..Spotcheck.. Got.. For Form 2s only.. Urgh..
..Funny things happened.. Erm.. Bu neng shuo de mi mi..~~ :P
..Followed mom to see doc.. Then.. Leisure Mall!!
If you happen to read this.. I feel the same way as you do.. ~~Seriously..

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Everyday.. Life's like this......

..Assembly sucked bored!!
..Had to listen to the HM crap..... Darn Long-winded...........
..Man.. "YOU"RE OLD.. save some energy for your grandchildren!!"
..Lessons were BORING........ -_-
..Some EMO FREAK possessed me... Just all of a sudden..

Rainy day
Are you for real??

Monday, August 4, 2008

Stupid BLOG.... -_-

Craps.. Stupid blog.. Cacated..
Friday, 1 Aug::.. (Ghost....~~~)
..Didn't blog.. Went to Mid Valley with mom..
..I was supposed to shop but mom bought more stuff than me.. ~~swt
..She bought Bio-Esesnsce mask+2 pairs of shoes+Rubber band+other stuff(forgotten)
..Me..Just my cute cute 'Ugly Doll'.. Love it!! :P

Bought this CUTE 'Ugly Doll'

..Tuition was funny.. Everything that Ms.Pakia said turned into jokes.. And those dirty stuff..
..Once again.. Special thanks to Alvin Sim and the Gays...... :P

Ms. Pakia wrote this
(She's the ham sap one :P)

Drank 100+ during tuition!!!!

Yes!! Finally.. :P Laugh our heads off
(Don't know why it's rotated the other way..)

Ms.Pakia's beautiful drawaing of the SPERM & OVUM


..Nothing happened.. Just another pathetic Saturday..

..Woke up.. Ate.. Slept again.. Then Onlined.. Then ate.. Then continued online.. Bathed.. Ate..

..Yeay!! I'm a PIG!!!! XP


..Went for walk.. Then ate.. Then slept.. Bathed.. Onlined.. Ate.. Continued online..Ate..Slept..

..Another day of Piggyness... XP


..School was normal..

..Annoyed.. I did not bring my test pad.. All the teachers want us to do the exercises in test pad -_-

..Michy and I skipped PE exam.. :P

..Well.. Not only us.. .....

..Loga, Joshua and Debaan crapped about the Thaipusam thingy..

..About how they poke the mouth.. the body..

..Man.. Goosebumps immediatelly raised.. Asked them to stop talking.. but still continued.. URGH

..Weather was as HOT as usual.. Almost fainted in Uncle's car..

..Aihz.. Was using the comp 'song song'.. Then that Danny came in and 'kacau kacau'..

..Kept showing me pics of 'leng lui'... Pathetc fella..

..I'm lazy to type.. so ADIEU!!!


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